Mexico industry classification
Here is a general list of industries and their corresponding codes.
Mexico SCI Code | Description |
G01 | Acquisition of goods |
G02 | Returns, discounts or rebates |
G03 | General expenses |
I01 | Construction |
I02 | Furniture and office equipment for investments |
I03 | Transportation equipment |
I04 | Computer equipment and accessories |
I05 | Dies, dies, molds, dies and tooling |
I06 | Telephone communications |
I07 | Satellite communications |
I08 | Other machinery and equipment |
D01 | Medical and dental fees and hospital expenses. |
D02 | Medical expenses for disability or incapacity |
D03 | Funeral expenses. |
D04 | Donations. |
D05 | Actual interest actually paid on mortgage loans (home). |
D06 | Voluntary contributions to the SAR. |
D07 | Medical insurance premiums. |
D08 | Compulsory school transportation expenses. |
D09 | Deposits in savings accounts, premiums based on pension plans. |
D10 | Payments for educational services (tuition). |
P01 | To be def |
S01 | Without tax obligations |
Updated 3 months ago