Additional considerations for Romania
Romania Credit Notes
Changes to generic fields
is required.
type CreditNote {
// ... all generic credit note fields
lines: InvoiceLine[];
invoiceRefs: string[],
customInfo: {
rou: {
note: string;
type InvoiceLine {
description: string;
unit: Unit;
quantity?: number;
vat: {
type: 'fixed' | 'percent';
code: TaxCode;
amount: number;
// ...other line item vat fields
exemptReason?: string;
exemptReasonCode?: RomaniaExemptionReasonCodes;
price: {
amount: number;
Name | Type | Required | Description |
lines[].description | string | Yes | Description of the goods or service |
lines[].unit | string | Yes | A value from an enumerated list as outlined on Units of Measure |
lines[].quantity | number | No | Quantity of the good or service |
lines[].vat.type | string | Yes | A value from an enumerated list of types: "fixed" "percent" |
lines[].vat.code | string | Yes | A value from an enumerated list outlined in the Romanian VAT code classification (UNTDID 5305) |
lines[].vat.amount | number | Yes | VAT percent or value per item |
lines[].vat.exemptReason | string | Conditional | If the line VAT amount is 0, an exemption reason is required |
lines[].vat.exemptReasonCode | string | Conditional | If the line VAT amount is 0, a value from an enumerated list outlined in the Romanian exemption reason codes is required. |
lines[].price.amount | number | Yes | Unit price of the good or service |
invoiceRefs | string | Yes | An array of existing invoices |
note | string | Yes | The note field is often included to provide additional context or information about the credit note. | | string | Yes | Three-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 ). |
recipient.taxScheme | string | Yes | A value from an enumerated list outlined in the Romanian Tax Scheme |
Example CSV file
Updated about 2 months ago