Italy Invoice

Changes to generic fields

  • ref has a maximum length of 20 characters.
  • recipient.address.line1 is required.
  • is required.
  • is required.
  • recipient.address.postalCode is required.
  • organisation.address.state for provinces in Italy, a 2-character Italian province code is required.

Italy-specific fields

type Invoice {
  // ...everything from invoice
  lines: [
    // ...everything from invoice.lines
    vat: {
      // ...everything from invoice.lines.vat
      // If type='percent, amount can be one of:
      amount: 0.00 | 4.00 | 5.00 | 10.00 | 22.00;
      // ...other line item vat fields
      exemptReason?: string;
      exemptReasonCode?: ItalyExemptionReasonCodes;
  // ...everything from recipient
  // required when customInfo.ita.recipientCode = '0000000'
  recipient: {
    contact: {
      email?: string;
  customInfo: {
    ita: {
      transmissionFormat: string;
      recipientCode: string;
refstringYesInvoice reference or number. Maximum length of 20 characters.
lines[].vat.amountnumberYesLine item Tax amount when lines[].vat.type = 'percent' Can be one of 0.00, 4.00, 5.00, 10.00 or 22.00
lines[].vat.exemptReasonstringConditionalIf the line VAT amount is 0, an exemption reason is required.
lines[].vat.exemptReasonCodestringConditionalIf the line VAT amount is 0, a value from an enumerated list outlined on Italy exempt reason codes is required.
recipient.address.postalCodestringYesNeeds to be five digits. If the recipient postcode (CAP) does not fit the five digit Italian model (e.g. Switzerland has four digit postcodes, the UK has letters and digits, etc.), “00000” should be used instead.
recipient.address.statestringConditionalInitials of the province of the town/city indicated in field.

For provinces in Italy, a 2 character Italian province code is required.
customInfo.ita.transmissionFormatstringYes Here are the possible values:
"FPR12" - invoice to private parties
"FPA12" - invoice to public administration
customInfo.ita.recipientCodestringYesRecipient Code (Codice Destinatario) is used to identify the recipient's intermediary (such as a certified email provider or an SDI intermediary).

Here are the possible values:
7-character alphanumeric codes: These codes are assigned to intermediaries authorized to receive invoices on behalf of recipients. Each intermediary has a unique code.

0000000: This code is used when the recipient prefers to receive the invoice via their certified email (PEC) rather than through an intermediary.

XXXXXXX: For invoices issued to foreign customers who do not have an Italian SDI code. the recipient code is set to 0000000, the invoice is intended to be delivered via a certified email address (recipient PEC). In this case, the recipient's PEC email address must be provided.

Example CSV file

Invoice - Italy.csv