Italy Invoice

Italy Invoice

Changes to standard fields

  • ref has a maximum length of 20 characters.
  • recipient.address.line1 is required.
  • recipient.address.line2 is required.
  • is required.
  • is required.
  • recipient.address.postalCode is required.
  • recipient.address.state is required (2-character ISO code)

Italy-specific fields

type Invoice {
  // ...everything from invoice
  lines: [
    // ...everything from invoice.lines
    vat: {
      // ...everything from invoice.lines.vat
      // If type='percent, amount can be one of:
      amount: 0.00 | 4.00 | 5.00 | 10.00 | 22.00;
  // ...everything from recipient
  // required when customInfo.ita.recipientCode = '0000000'
  recipient: {
    contact: {
      email?: string;
  customInfo: {
    ita: {
      transmissionFormat: string;
      recipientCode: string;
refstringYesInvoice reference or number. Maximum length of 20 characters.
lines[].vat.amountnumberYesLine item Tax amount when lines[].vat.type = 'percent' Can be one of 0.00, 4.00, 5.00, 10.00 or 22.00
customInfo.ita.transmissionFormatstringYes Here are the possible values:
"FPR12" - invoice to private parties
"FPA12" - invoice to public administration
customInfo.ita.recipientCodestringYesRecipient Code (Codice Destinatario) is used to identify the recipient's intermediary (such as a certified email provider or an SDI intermediary).

Here are the possible values:
7-character alphanumeric codes: These codes are assigned to intermediaries authorized to receive invoices on behalf of recipients. Each intermediary has a unique code.

0000000: This code is used when the recipient prefers to receive the invoice via their certified email (PEC) rather than through an intermediary.

XXXXXXX: For invoices issued to foreign customers who do not have an Italian SDI code. the recipient code is set to 0000000, the invoice is intended to be delivered via a certified email address (recipient PEC). In this case, the recipient's PEC email address must be provided.

Example CSV file

Invoice - Italy.csv