Invoice base
type Invoice {
id: string;
created: string;
modified: string;
status: InvoiceStatus;
orgId: string;
issued: string;
ref: string;
recipient?: Recipient;
sender?: Sender;
total: {
amount: number;
currency?: string;
lines: InvoiceLine[];
taInvoiceRef?: string;
error?: {
name: string;
message: string;
description?: string;
invoiceSubmissionDate?: string;
type?: InvoiceType;
type Recipient {
taxId: string;
name: string;
address?: Address;
contact?: {
email?: string;
type Sender {
taxId: string;
name: string;
address?: Address;
contact?: {
email?: string;
type Address {
line1?: string;
line2?: string;
city?: string;
state?: string;
country: string;
postalCode?: string;
type InvoiceLine {
description: string;
price: {
amount: number;
quantity: number;
unit?: UnitsOfMeasure;
vat: {
amount: number;
type: 'fixed' | 'percent';
code: TaxCode;
Name | Type | Required | Description |
id | string (System generated) | No | Unique identifier for the invoice. |
ref | string | Yes | Sequential number of document |
created | string (System generated ISO 8601 date) | No | The timestamp when the invoice was created is in ISO 1806 format. |
modified | string (System generated ISO 8601 date) | No | The timestamp when the invoice was last updated is in ISO 1806 format. |
status | string (System generated) | No | A value from an enumerated list of types: pending submission success error |
orgId | string (System generated) | Yes | The organisation issuing the invoice |
issued | string (ISO 8601 date) | Yes | Date of document (issue date) | | string | Yes | Company name or name and surname |
recipient.taxId | string | Yes | TAX identification number. | | string | No | Recipient email address |
recipient.address.line1 | string | No | Address line 1 (Street address/PO Box/Company name). |
recipient.address.line2 | string | No | Address line 2 (Apartment/Suite/Unit/Building). | | string | No | City/District/Suburb/Town/Village. |
recipient.address.state | string | No | State/County/Province/Region. | | string | Yes | Three-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 ). |
recipient.address.postalCode | string | No | ZIP or postal code | | string | Yes | Company name or name and surname |
sender.taxId | string | Yes | TAX identification number. | | string | No | Sender email address |
sender.address.line1 | string | No | Address line 1 (Street address/PO Box/Company name). |
sender.address.line2 | string | No | Address line 2 (Apartment/Suite/Unit/Building). | | string | No | City/District/Suburb/Town/Village. |
sender.address.state | string | No | State/County/Province/Region. | | string | Yes | Three-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 ). |
sender.address.postalCode | string | No | ZIP or postal code |
total.amount | number | Yes | The total amount of the document, including tax charged. |
total.currency | string | No | Three-letter currency code (ISO 4217-1 alpha-3 ). Defaults to organisation currency. |
invoiceSubmissionDate | string (ISO 8601 date) | No | Date of invoice |
type | string (System generated) | No | A value from an enumerated list of types:Sent Received |
taInvoiceRef | string (System generated) | No | A unique reference assigned by the Tax authority |
lines[].description | string | Yes | Description of the goods/service |
lines[].price.amount | number | Yes | Unit price of the good or service. |
lines[].quantity | number | Yes | Quantity of the good or service. |
lines[].unit | string | No | A value from an enumerated list as outlined on Units of Measure |
lines[].vat.code | string | Yes | A value from an enumerated list as outlined on VAT code classification |
lines[].vat.type | string | Yes | A value from an enumerated list of types: "fixed" "percent" |
lines[].vat.amount | number | Yes | VAT percent or value per item. |
error | string map (System generated) | No | When activation errors occur downstream, the transaction will have an Error status, with this error object providing more details. { status?: number; message: string; description?: string; } |
Example CSV file
Updated 8 days ago