Units of Measure

Additional information related to the unit field for invoice line items.

The unit field under line items is based on UN/ECE Recommendation no. 20, which is supported by various countries and networks like Peppol (UNECERec20 Code List). eezi also supports the extended Recommendation UN/ECE no 21 with a prefixed X to prevent duplication.

10groupA unit of count defining the number of groups (group: set of items classified together).
11outfitA unit of count defining the number of outfits (outfit: a complete set of equipment / materials / objects used for a specific purpose).
13rationA unit of count defining the number of rations (ration: a single portion of provisions).
14shotA unit of liquid measure, especially related to spirits.
15stick, militaryA unit of count defining the number of military sticks (military stick: bombs or paratroops released in rapid succession from an aircraft).
20twenty foot containerA unit of count defining the number of shipping containers that measure 20 foot in length.
21forty foot containerA unit of count defining the number of shipping containers that measure 40 foot in length.
22decilitre per gram
23gram per cubic centimetre
24theoretical poundA unit of mass defining the expected mass of material expressed as the number of pounds.
25gram per square centimetre
27theoretical tonA unit of mass defining the expected mass of material, expressed as the number of tons.
28kilogram per square metre
33kilopascal square metre per gram
34kilopascal per millimetre
35millilitre per square centimetre second
37ounce per square foot
38ounce per square foot per 0,01inch
40millilitre per second
41millilitre per minute
56sitasA unit of area for tin plate equal to a surface area of 100 square metres.
57meshA unit of count defining the number of strands per inch as a measure of the fineness of a woven product.
58net kilogramA unit of mass defining the total number of kilograms after deductions.
59part per millionA unit of proportion equal to 10⁻⁶.
60percent weightA unit of proportion equal to 10⁻².
61part per billion (US)A unit of proportion equal to 10⁻⁹.
80pound per square inch absolute
85foot pound-force
87pound per cubic foot
1Ifixed rateA unit of quantity expressed as a predetermined or set rate for usage of a facility or service.
2Aradian per secondRefer ISO/TC12 SI Guide
2Bradian per second squaredRefer ISO/TC12 SI Guide
2Gvolt ACA unit of electric potential in relation to alternating current (AC).
2Hvolt DCA unit of electric potential in relation to direct current (DC).
2IBritish thermal unit (international table) per hour
2Jcubic centimetre per second
2Kcubic foot per hour
2Lcubic foot per minute
2Mcentimetre per second
2PkilobyteA unit of information equal to 10³ (1000) bytes.
2Xmetre per minute
3CmanmonthA unit of count defining the number of months for a person or persons to perform an undertaking.
4Hmicrometre (micron)
4LmegabyteA unit of information equal to 10⁶ (1000000) bytes.
4Mmilligram per hour
4Pnewton per metre
4Qounce inch
4Rounce foot
4Upound per hour
4Wton (US) per hour
4Xkilolitre per hour
5Abarrel (US) per minute
5BbatchA unit of count defining the number of batches (batch: quantity of material produced in one operation or number of animals or persons coming at once).
5EMMSCF/dayA unit of volume equal to one million (1000000) cubic feet of gas per day.
5Jhydraulic horse powerA unit of power defining the hydraulic horse power delivered by a fluid pump depending on the viscosity of the fluid.
A10ampere square metre per joule second
A12astronomical unit
A15barn per electronvolt
A16barn per steradian electronvolt
A17barn per steradian
A18becquerel per kilogram
A19becquerel per cubic metre
A2ampere per centimetre
A20British thermal unit (international table) per second square foot degree Rankine
A21British thermal unit (international table) per pound degree Rankine
A22British thermal unit (international table) per second foot degree Rankine
A23British thermal unit (international table) per hour square foot degree Rankine
A24candela per square metre
A26coulomb metre
A27coulomb metre squared per volt
A28coulomb per cubic centimetre
A29coulomb per cubic metre
A3ampere per millimetre
A30coulomb per cubic millimetre
A31coulomb per kilogram second
A32coulomb per mole
A33coulomb per square centimetre
A34coulomb per square metre
A35coulomb per square millimetre
A36cubic centimetre per mole
A37cubic decimetre per mole
A38cubic metre per coulomb
A39cubic metre per kilogram
A4ampere per square centimetre
A40cubic metre per mole
A41ampere per square metre
A42curie per kilogram
A43deadweight tonnageA unit of mass defining the difference between the weight of a ship when completely empty and its weight when completely loaded, expressed as the number of tons.
A47decitexA unit of yarn density. One decitex equals a mass of 1 gram per 10 kilometres of length.
A48degree RankineRefer ISO 80000-5 (Quantities and units — Part 5: Thermodynamics)
A49denierA unit of yarn density. One denier equals a mass of 1 gram per 9 kilometres of length.
A5ampere square metre
A54electronvolt per metre
A55electronvolt square metre
A56electronvolt square metre per kilogram
A598-part cloud coverA unit of count defining the number of eighth-parts as a measure of the celestial dome cloud coverage. Synonym: OKTA , OCTA
A6ampere per square metre kelvin squared
A69farad per metre
A7ampere per square millimetre
A73foot per second squared
A74foot pound-force per second
A75freight tonA unit of information typically used for billing purposes, defined as either the number of metric tons or the number of cubic metres, whichever is the larger.
A8ampere second
A84gigacoulomb per cubic metre
A88gigaohm metre
A9rateA unit of quantity expressed as a rate for usage of a facility or service.
A91gonSynonym: grade
A93gram per cubic metre
A94gram per mole
A96gray per second
A98henry per metre
A99bitA unit of information equal to one binary digit.
AAballA unit of count defining the number of balls (ball: object formed in the shape of sphere).
ABbulk packA unit of count defining the number of items per bulk pack.
ACTactivityA unit of count defining the number of activities (activity: a unit of work or action).
ADbyteA unit of information equal to 8 bits.
AEampere per metre
AHadditional minuteA unit of time defining the number of minutes in addition to the referenced minutes.
AIaverage minute per callA unit of count defining the number of minutes for the average interval of a call.
ALaccess lineA unit of count defining the number of telephone access lines.
AMHampere hourA unit of electric charge defining the amount of charge accumulated by a steady flow of one ampere for one hour.
ANNyearUnit of time equal to 365,25 days. Synonym: Julian year
APZtroy ounce or apothecary ounce
AQanti-hemophilic factor (AHF) unitA unit of measure for blood potency (US).
ASassortmentA unit of count defining the number of assortments (assortment: set of items grouped in a mixed collection).
ASMalcoholic strength by massA unit of mass defining the alcoholic strength of a liquid.
ASUalcoholic strength by volumeA unit of volume defining the alcoholic strength of a liquid (e.g. spirit, wine, beer, etc), often at a specific temperature.
ATMstandard atmosphere
AWGamerican wire gaugeA unit of distance used for measuring the diameter of small tubes or wires such as the outer diameter of hypotermic or suture needles.
AYassemblyA unit of count defining the number of assemblies (assembly: items that consist of component parts).
AZBritish thermal unit (international table) per pound
B1barrel (US) per day
B10bit per secondA unit of information equal to one binary digit per second.
B11joule per kilogram kelvin
B12joule per metre
B13joule per square metreSynonym: joule per metre squared
B14joule per metre to the fourth power
B15joule per mole
B16joule per mole kelvin
B17creditA unit of count defining the number of entries made to the credit side of an account.
B18joule second
B19digitA unit of information defining the quantity of numerals used to form a number.
B20joule square metre per kilogram
B21kelvin per watt
B23kiloampere per square metre
B24kiloampere per metre
B25kilobecquerel per kilogram
B27kilocoulomb per cubic metre
B28kilocoulomb per square metre
B3batting poundA unit of mass defining the number of pounds of wadded fibre.
B30gibibitA unit of information equal to 2³⁰ bits (binary digits).
B31kilogram metre per second
B32kilogram metre squared
B33kilogram metre squared per second
B34kilogram per cubic decimetre
B35kilogram per litre
B4barrel, imperialA unit of volume used to measure beer. One beer barrel equals 36 imperial gallons.
B41kilojoule per kelvin
B42kilojoule per kilogram
B43kilojoule per kilogram kelvin
B44kilojoule per mole
B46kilomole per cubic metre
B48kilonewton metre
B50kiloohm metre
B54kilosiemens per metre
B55kilovolt per metre
B56kiloweber per metre
B57light yearA unit of length defining the distance that light travels in a vacuum in one year.
B58litre per mole
B59lumen hour
B60lumen per square metre
B61lumen per watt
B62lumen second
B63lux hour
B64lux second
B66megaampere per square metre
B67megabecquerel per kilogram
B68gigabitA unit of information equal to 10⁹ bits (binary digits).
B69megacoulomb per cubic metre
B7cycleA unit of count defining the number of cycles (cycle: a recurrent period of definite duration).
B70megacoulomb per square metre
B72megagram per cubic metre
B74meganewton metre
B76megaohm metre
B77megasiemens per metre
B79megavolt per metre
B8joule per cubic metre
B80gigabit per secondA unit of information equal to 10⁹ bits (binary digits) per second.
B81reciprocal metre squared reciprocal second
B82inch per linear footA unit of length defining the number of inches per linear foot.
B83metre to the fourth power
B87microcoulomb per cubic metre
B88microcoulomb per square metre
B89microfarad per metre
B91microhenry per metre
B93micronewton metre
B95microohm metre
BARbar [unit of pressure]
BBbase boxA unit of area of 112 sheets of tin mil products (tin plate, tin free steel or black plate) 14 by 20 inches, or 31,360 square inches.
BFTboard footA unit of volume defining the number of cords (cord: a stack of firewood of 128 cubic feet).
BHPbrake horse power
BILbillion (EUR)Synonym: trillion (US)
BLDdry barrel (US)
BLLbarrel (US)
BPhundred board footA unit of volume equal to one hundred board foot.
BPMbeats per minuteThe number of beats per minute.
BTUBritish thermal unit (international table)
BUAbushel (US)
BUIbushel (UK)
C0callA unit of count defining the number of calls (call: communication session or visitation).
C12milligram per metre
C16millimetre per second
C17millimetre squared per second
C19mole per kilogram
C21kibibitA unit of information equal to 2¹⁰ (1024) bits (binary digits).
C22millinewton per metre
C23milliohm metre
C24millipascal second
C3microvolt per metre
C30millivolt per metre
C32milliwatt per square metre
C35mole per cubic decimetre
C36mole per cubic metre
C37kilobitA unit of information equal to 10³ (1000) bits (binary digits).
C38mole per litre
C42nanofarad per metre
C44nanohenry per metre
C46nanoohm metre
C51neper per second
C53newton metre second
C54newton metre squared per kilogram squared
C55newton per square metre
C56newton per square millimetre
C57newton second
C58newton second per metre
C59octaveA unit used in music to describe the ratio in frequency between notes.
C60ohm centimetre
C61ohm metre
C62oneSynonym: unit
C64pascal per kelvin
C65pascal second
C66pascal second per cubic metre
C67pascal second per metre
C69phonA unit of subjective sound loudness. A sound has loudness p phons if it seems to the listener to be equal in loudness to the sound of a pure tone of frequency 1 kilohertz and strength p decibels.
C72picofarad per metre
C74kilobit per secondA unit of information equal to 10³ (1000) bits (binary digits) per second.
C76picowatt per square metre
C79kilovolt ampere hourA unit of accumulated energy of 1000 volt amperes over a period of one hour.
C8millicoulomb per kilogram
C82radian square metre per mole
C83radian square metre per kilogram
C84radian per metre
C85reciprocal angstrom
C86reciprocal cubic metre
C87reciprocal cubic metre per secondSynonym: reciprocal second per cubic metre
C88reciprocal electron volt per cubic metre
C89reciprocal henry
C9coil groupA unit of count defining the number of coil groups (coil group: groups of items arranged by lengths of those items placed in a joined sequence of concentric circles).
C90reciprocal joule per cubic metre
C91reciprocal kelvin or kelvin to the power minus one
C92reciprocal metre
C93reciprocal square metreSynonym: reciprocal metre squared
C94reciprocal minute
C95reciprocal mole
C96reciprocal pascal or pascal to the power minus one
C97reciprocal second
C99reciprocal second per metre squared
CCTcarrying capacity in metric tonA unit of mass defining the carrying capacity, expressed as the number of metric tons.
CELdegree CelsiusRefer ISO 80000-5 (Quantities and units — Part 5: Thermodynamics)
CENhundredA unit of count defining the number of units in multiples of 100.
CGcardA unit of count defining the number of units of card (card: thick stiff paper or cardboard).
CKGcoulomb per kilogram
CLFhundred leaveA unit of count defining the number of leaves, expressed in units of one hundred leaves.
CMKsquare centimetre
CMQcubic centimetre
CNPhundred packA unit of count defining the number of hundred-packs (hundred-pack: set of one hundred items packaged together).
CNTcental (UK)A unit of mass equal to one hundred weight (US).
CTGcontent gramA unit of mass defining the number of grams of a named item in a product.
CTMmetric carat
CTNcontent ton (metric)A unit of mass defining the number of metric tons of a named item in a product.
CWAhundred pound (cwt) / hundred weight (US)
CWIhundred weight (UK)
D03kilowatt hour per hourA unit of accumulated energy of a thousand watts over a period of one hour.
D04lot [unit of weight]A unit of weight equal to about 1/2 ounce or 15 grams.
D1reciprocal second per steradian
D10siemens per metre
D11mebibitA unit of information equal to 2²⁰ (1048576) bits (binary digits).
D12siemens square metre per mole
D15soneA unit of subjective sound loudness. One sone is the loudness of a pure tone of frequency one kilohertz and strength 40 decibels.
D16square centimetre per erg
D17square centimetre per steradian erg
D18metre kelvin
D19square metre kelvin per watt
D2reciprocal second per steradian metre squared
D20square metre per joule
D21square metre per kilogram
D22square metre per mole
D23pen gram (protein)A unit of count defining the number of grams of amino acid prescribed for parenteral/enteral therapy.
D24square metre per steradian
D25square metre per steradian joule
D26square metre per volt second
D32terawatt hour
D34texA unit of yarn density. One decitex equals a mass of 1 gram per 1 kilometre of length.
D36megabitA unit of information equal to 10⁶ (1000000) bits (binary digits).
D41tonne per cubic metre
D42tropical year
D43unified atomic mass unit
D44varThe name of the unit is an acronym for volt-ampere-reactive.
D45volt squared per kelvin squared
D46volt - ampere
D47volt per centimetre
D48volt per kelvin
D49millivolt per kelvin
D5kilogram per square centimetre
D50volt per metre
D51volt per millimetre
D52watt per kelvin
D53watt per metre kelvin
D54watt per square metre
D55watt per square metre kelvin
D56watt per square metre kelvin to the fourth power
D57watt per steradian
D58watt per steradian square metre
D59weber per metre
D6roentgen per second
D60weber per millimetre
D61minute [unit of angle]
D62second [unit of angle]
D63bookA unit of count defining the number of books (book: set of items bound together or written document of a material whole).
D65roundA unit of count defining the number of rounds (round: A circular or cylindrical object).
D68number of wordsA unit of count defining the number of words.
D69inch to the fourth power
D73joule square metre
D74kilogram per mole
D78megajoule per secondA unit of accumulated energy equal to one million joules per second.
D83millinewton metre
D85microwatt per square metre
D87millimole per kilogram
D88millicoulomb per cubic metre
D89millicoulomb per square metre
D93second per cubic metre
D94second per cubic metre radian
D95joule per gram
DADten dayA unit of time defining the number of days in multiples of 10.
DBdry poundA unit of mass defining the number of pounds of a product, disregarding the water content of the product.
DBWDecibel watt
DDdegree [unit of angle]
DECdecadeA unit of count defining the number of decades (decade: quantity equal to 10 or time equal to 10 years).
DMAcubic decametre
DMKsquare decimetre
DMOstandard kilolitreA unit of volume defining the number of kilolitres of a product at a temperature of 15 degrees Celsius, especially in relation to hydrocarbon oils.
DMQcubic decimetre
DNdecinewton metre
DPCdozen pieceA unit of count defining the number of pieces in multiples of 12 (piece: a single item, article or exemplar).
DPRdozen pairA unit of count defining the number of pairs in multiples of 12 (pair: item described by two's).
DPTdisplacement tonnageA unit of mass defining the volume of sea water a ship displaces, expressed as the number of tons.
DRAdram (US)Synonym: drachm (UK), troy dram
DRIdram (UK)Synonym: avoirdupois dram
DRLdozen rollA unit of count defining the number of rolls, expressed in twelve roll units.
DTdry tonA unit of mass defining the number of tons of a product, disregarding the water content of the product.
DTNdecitonneSynonym: centner, metric 100 kg; quintal, metric 100 kg
DZNdozenA unit of count defining the number of units in multiples of 12.
DZPdozen packA unit of count defining the number of packs in multiples of 12 (pack: standard packaging unit).
E01newton per square centimetreA measure of pressure expressed in newtons per square centimetre.
E07megawatt hour per hourA unit of accumulated energy of a million watts over a period of one hour.
E08megawatt per hertzA unit of energy expressed as the load change in million watts that will cause a frequency shift of one hertz.
E09milliampere hourA unit of power load delivered at the rate of one thousandth of an ampere over a period of one hour.
E10degree dayA unit of measure used in meteorology and engineering to measure the demand for heating or cooling over a given period of days.
E12milleA unit of count defining the number of cigarettes in units of 1000.
E14kilocalorie (international table)A unit of heat energy equal to one thousand calories.
E15kilocalorie (thermochemical) per hourA unit of energy equal to one thousand calories per hour.
E16million Btu(IT) per hourA unit of power equal to one million British thermal units per hour.
E17cubic foot per secondA unit of volume equal to one cubic foot passing a given point in a period of one second.
E18tonne per hourA unit of weight or mass equal to one tonne per hour.
E19pingA unit of area equal to 3.3 square metres.
E20megabit per secondA unit of information equal to 10⁶ (1000000) bits (binary digits) per second.
E21sharesA unit of count defining the number of shares (share: a total or portion of the
E22TEUA unit of count defining the number of twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs) as a measure of containerized cargo capacity.
E23tyreA unit of count defining the number of tyres (a solid or air-filled covering placed around a wheel rim to form a soft contact with the road, absorb shock and provide traction).
E25active unitA unit of count defining the number of active units within a substance.
E27doseA unit of count defining the number of doses (dose: a definite quantity of a medicine or drug).
E28air dry tonA unit of mass defining the number of tons of a product, disregarding the water content of the product.
E30strandA unit of count defining the number of strands (strand: long, thin, flexible, single thread, strip of fibre, constituent filament or multiples of the same, twisted together).
E31square metre per litreA unit of count defining the number of square metres per litre.
E32litre per hourA unit of count defining the number of litres per hour.
E33foot per thousandA unit of count defining the number of feet per thousand units.
E34gigabyteA unit of information equal to 10⁹ bytes.
E35terabyteA unit of information equal to 10¹² bytes.
E36petabyteA unit of information equal to 10¹⁵ bytes.
E37pixelA unit of count defining the number of pixels (pixel: picture element).
E38megapixelA unit of count equal to 10⁶ (1000000) pixels (picture elements).
E39dots per inchA unit of information defining the number of dots per linear inch as a measure of the resolution or sharpness of a graphic image.
E4gross kilogramA unit of mass defining the total number of kilograms before deductions.
E40part per hundred thousandA unit of proportion equal to 10⁻⁵.
E41kilogram-force per square millimetreA unit of pressure defining the number of kilograms force per square millimetre.
E42kilogram-force per square centimetreA unit of pressure defining the number of kilograms force per square centimetre.
E43joule per square centimetreA unit of energy defining the number of joules per square centimetre.
E44kilogram-force metre per square centimetreA unit of torsion defining the torque kilogram-force metre per square centimetre.
E46kilowatt hour per cubic metreA unit of energy consumption expressed as kilowatt hour per cubic metre.
E47kilowatt hour per kelvinA unit of energy consumption expressed as kilowatt hour per kelvin.
E48service unitA unit of count defining the number of service units (service unit: defined period / property / facility / utility of supply).
E49working dayA unit of count defining the number of working days (working day: a day on which work is ordinarily performed).
E50accounting unitA unit of count defining the number of accounting units.
E51jobA unit of count defining the number of jobs.
E52run footA unit of count defining the number feet per run.
E53testA unit of count defining the number of tests.
E54tripA unit of count defining the number of trips.
E55useA unit of count defining the number of times an object is used.
E56wellA unit of count defining the number of wells.
E57zoneA unit of count defining the number of zones.
E58exabit per secondA unit of information equal to 10¹⁸ bits (binary digits) per second.
E59exbibyteA unit of information equal to 2⁶⁰ bytes.
E60pebibyteA unit of information equal to 2⁵⁰ bytes.
E61tebibyteA unit of information equal to 2⁴⁰ bytes.
E62gibibyteA unit of information equal to 2³⁰ bytes.
E63mebibyteA unit of information equal to 2²⁰ bytes.
E64kibibyteA unit of information equal to 2¹⁰ bytes.
E65exbibit per metreA unit of information equal to 2⁶⁰ bits (binary digits) per metre.
E66exbibit per square metreA unit of information equal to 2⁶⁰ bits (binary digits) per square metre.
E67exbibit per cubic metreA unit of information equal to 2⁶⁰ bits (binary digits) per cubic metre.
E68gigabyte per secondA unit of information equal to 10⁹ bytes per second.
E69gibibit per metreA unit of information equal to 2³⁰ bits (binary digits) per metre.
E70gibibit per square metreA unit of information equal to 2³⁰ bits (binary digits) per square metre.
E71gibibit per cubic metreA unit of information equal to 2³⁰ bits (binary digits) per cubic metre.
E72kibibit per metreA unit of information equal to 2¹⁰ bits (binary digits) per metre.
E73kibibit per square metreA unit of information equal to 2¹⁰ bits (binary digits) per square metre.
E74kibibit per cubic metreA unit of information equal to 2¹⁰ bits (binary digits) per cubic metre.
E75mebibit per metreA unit of information equal to 2²⁰ bits (binary digits) per metre.
E76mebibit per square metreA unit of information equal to 2²⁰ bits (binary digits) per square metre.
E77mebibit per cubic metreA unit of information equal to 2²⁰ bits (binary digits) per cubic metre.
E78petabitA unit of information equal to 10¹⁵ bits (binary digits).
E79petabit per secondA unit of information equal to 10¹⁵ bits (binary digits) per second.
E80pebibit per metreA unit of information equal to 2⁵⁰ bits (binary digits) per metre.
E81pebibit per square metreA unit of information equal to 2⁵⁰ bits (binary digits) per square metre.
E82pebibit per cubic metreA unit of information equal to 2⁵⁰ bits (binary digits) per cubic metre.
E83terabitA unit of information equal to 10¹² bits (binary digits).
E84terabit per secondA unit of information equal to 10¹² bits (binary digits) per second.
E85tebibit per metreA unit of information equal to 2⁴⁰ bits (binary digits) per metre.
E86tebibit per cubic metreA unit of information equal to 2⁴⁰ bits (binary digits) per cubic metre.
E87tebibit per square metreA unit of information equal to 2⁴⁰ bits (binary digits) per square metre.
E88bit per metreA unit of information equal to 1 bit (binary digit) per metre.
E89bit per square metreA unit of information equal to 1 bit (binary digit) per square metre.
E90reciprocal centimetre
E91reciprocal day
E92cubic decimetre per hour
E93kilogram per hour
E94kilomole per second
E95mole per second
E96degree per second
E97millimetre per degree Celcius metre
E98degree Celsius per kelvin
E99hectopascal per bar
EAeachA unit of count defining the number of items regarded as separate units.
EBelectronic mail boxA unit of count defining the number of electronic mail boxes.
EQequivalent gallonA unit of volume defining the number of gallons of product produced from concentrate.
F01bit per cubic metreA unit of information equal to 1 bit (binary digit) per cubic metre.
F02kelvin per kelvin
F03kilopascal per bar
F04millibar per bar
F05megapascal per bar
F06poise per bar
F07pascal per bar
F08milliampere per inch
F10kelvin per hour
F11kelvin per minute
F12kelvin per second
F13slugA unit of mass. One slug is the mass accelerated at 1 foot per second per second by a force of 1 pound.
F14gram per kelvin
F15kilogram per kelvin
F16milligram per kelvin
F17pound-force per foot
F18kilogram square centimetre
F19kilogram square millimetre
F20pound inch squared
F21pound-force inch
F22pound-force foot per ampere
F23gram per cubic decimetre
F24kilogram per kilomol
F25gram per hertz
F26gram per day
F27gram per hour
F28gram per minute
F29gram per second
F30kilogram per day
F31kilogram per minute
F32milligram per day
F33milligram per minute
F34milligram per second
F35gram per day kelvin
F36gram per hour kelvin
F37gram per minute kelvin
F38gram per second kelvin
F39kilogram per day kelvin
F40kilogram per hour kelvin
F41kilogram per minute kelvin
F42kilogram per second kelvin
F43milligram per day kelvin
F44milligram per hour kelvin
F45milligram per minute kelvin
F46milligram per second kelvin
F47newton per millimetre
F48pound-force per inch
F49rod [unit of distance]A unit of distance equal to 5.5 yards (16 feet 6 inches).
F50micrometre per kelvin
F51centimetre per kelvin
F52metre per kelvin
F53millimetre per kelvin
F54milliohm per metre
F55ohm per mile (statute mile)
F56ohm per kilometre
F57milliampere per pound-force per square inch
F58reciprocal bar
F59milliampere per bar
F60degree Celsius per bar
F61kelvin per bar
F62gram per day bar
F63gram per hour bar
F64gram per minute bar
F65gram per second bar
F66kilogram per day bar
F67kilogram per hour bar
F68kilogram per minute bar
F69kilogram per second bar
F70milligram per day bar
F71milligram per hour bar
F72milligram per minute bar
F73milligram per second bar
F74gram per bar
F75milligram per bar
F76milliampere per millimetre
F77pascal second per kelvin
F78inch of water
F79inch of mercury
F80water horse powerA unit of power defining the amount of power required to move a given volume of water against acceleration of gravity to a specified elevation (pressure head).
F81bar per kelvin
F82hectopascal per kelvin
F83kilopascal per kelvin
F84millibar per kelvin
F85megapascal per kelvin
F86poise per kelvin
F87volt per litre minute
F88newton centimetre
F89newton metre per degree
F90newton metre per ampere
F91bar litre per second
F92bar cubic metre per second
F93hectopascal litre per second
F94hectopascal cubic metre per second
F95millibar litre per second
F96millibar cubic metre per second
F97megapascal litre per second
F98megapascal cubic metre per second
F99pascal litre per second
FAHdegree FahrenheitRefer ISO 80000-5 (Quantities and units — Part 5: Thermodynamics)
FBMfibre metrefibre.
FCthousand cubic footA unit of volume equal to one thousand cubic foot.
FFhundred cubic metreA unit of volume equal to one hundred cubic metres.
FITfailures in timeA unit of count defining the number of failures that can be expected over a specified time interval. Failure rates of semiconductor components are often specified as FIT (failures in time unit) where 1 FIT = 10⁻⁹ /h.
FLflake tonA unit of mass defining the number of tons of a flaked substance (flake: a small flattish fragment).
FNUFormazin nephelometric unit
FPpound per square foot
FRfoot per minute
FSfoot per second
FTKsquare foot
FTQcubic foot
G01pascal cubic metre per second
G04centimetre per bar
G05metre per bar
G06millimetre per bar
G08square inch per second
G09square metre per second kelvin
G10stokes per kelvin
G11gram per cubic centimetre bar
G12gram per cubic decimetre bar
G13gram per litre bar
G14gram per cubic metre bar
G15gram per millilitre bar
G16kilogram per cubic centimetre bar
G17kilogram per litre bar
G18kilogram per cubic metre bar
G19newton metre per kilogram
G2US gallon per minute
G20pound-force foot per pound
G21cup [unit of volume]
G24tablespoon (US)
G25teaspoon (US)
G27cubic centimetre per kelvin
G28litre per kelvin
G29cubic metre per kelvin
G3Imperial gallon per minute
G30millilitre per kelvin
G31kilogram per cubic centimetre
G32ounce (avoirdupois) per cubic yard
G33gram per cubic centimetre kelvin
G34gram per cubic decimetre kelvin
G35gram per litre kelvin
G36gram per cubic metre kelvin
G37gram per millilitre kelvin
G38kilogram per cubic centimetre kelvin
G39kilogram per litre kelvin
G40kilogram per cubic metre kelvin
G41square metre per second bar
G42microsiemens per centimetre
G43microsiemens per metre
G44nanosiemens per centimetre
G45nanosiemens per metre
G46stokes per bar
G47cubic centimetre per day
G48cubic centimetre per hour
G49cubic centimetre per minute
G50gallon (US) per hour
G51litre per second
G52cubic metre per day
G53cubic metre per minute
G54millilitre per day
G55millilitre per hour
G56cubic inch per hour
G57cubic inch per minute
G58cubic inch per second
G59milliampere per litre minute
G60volt per bar
G61cubic centimetre per day kelvin
G62cubic centimetre per hour kelvin
G63cubic centimetre per minute kelvin
G64cubic centimetre per second kelvin
G65litre per day kelvin
G66litre per hour kelvin
G67litre per minute kelvin
G68litre per second kelvin
G69cubic metre per day kelvin
G70cubic metre per hour kelvin
G71cubic metre per minute kelvin
G72cubic metre per second kelvin
G73millilitre per day kelvin
G74millilitre per hour kelvin
G75millilitre per minute kelvin
G76millilitre per second kelvin
G77millimetre to the fourth power
G78cubic centimetre per day bar
G79cubic centimetre per hour bar
G80cubic centimetre per minute bar
G81cubic centimetre per second bar
G82litre per day bar
G83litre per hour bar
G84litre per minute bar
G85litre per second bar
G86cubic metre per day bar
G87cubic metre per hour bar
G88cubic metre per minute bar
G89cubic metre per second bar
G90millilitre per day bar
G91millilitre per hour bar
G92millilitre per minute bar
G93millilitre per second bar
G94cubic centimetre per bar
G95litre per bar
G96cubic metre per bar
G97millilitre per bar
G98microhenry per kiloohm
G99microhenry per ohm
GBgallon (US) per day
GDWgram, dry weightA unit of mass defining the number of grams of a product, disregarding the water content of the product.
GEpound per gallon (US)
GFgram per metre (gram per 100 centimetres)
GFIgram of fissile isotopeA unit of mass defining the number of grams of a fissile isotope (fissile isotope: an isotope whose nucleus is able to be split when irradiated with low energy neutrons).
GGRgreat grossA unit of count defining the number of units in multiples of 1728 (12 x 12 x 12).
GIAgill (US)
GICgram, including containerA unit of mass defining the number of grams of a product, including its container.
GIIgill (UK)
GIPgram, including inner packagingA unit of mass defining the number of grams of a product, including its inner packaging materials.
GJgram per millilitre
GLgram per litre
GLDdry gallon (US)
GLIgallon (UK)
GLLgallon (US)
GMgram per square metre
GOmilligram per square metre
GPmilligram per cubic metre
GQmicrogram per cubic metre
GROgrossA unit of count defining the number of units in multiples of 144 (12 x 12).
GWHgigawatt hour
H03henry per kiloohm
H04henry per ohm
H05millihenry per kiloohm
H06millihenry per ohm
H07pascal second per bar
H09reciprocal year
H10reciprocal hour
H11reciprocal month
H12degree Celsius per hour
H13degree Celsius per minute
H14degree Celsius per second
H15square centimetre per gram
H16square decametreSynonym: are
H18square hectometreSynonym: hectare
H19cubic hectometre
H20cubic kilometre
H21blankA unit of count defining the number of blanks.
H22volt square inch per pound-force
H23volt per inch
H24volt per microsecond
H25percent per kelvinA unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to the SI base unit Kelvin.
H26ohm per metre
H27degree per metre
H28microfarad per kilometre
H29microgram per litre
H30square micrometre (square micron)
H31ampere per kilogram
H32ampere squared second
H33farad per kilometre
H34hertz metre
H35kelvin metre per watt
H36megaohm per kilometre
H37megaohm per metre
H39megahertz kilometre
H40newton per ampere
H41newton metre watt to the power minus 0,5
H42pascal per metre
H43siemens per centimetre
H45volt second per metre
H46volt per second
H47watt per cubic metre
H49centimetre per hour
H50reciprocal cubic centimetre
H51decibel per kilometre
H52decibel per metre
H53kilogram per bar
H54kilogram per cubic decimetre kelvin
H55kilogram per cubic decimetre bar
H56kilogram per square metre second
H57inch per two pi radiant
H58metre per volt second
H59square metre per newton
H60cubic metre per cubic metre
H61millisiemens per centimetre
H62millivolt per minute
H63milligram per square centimetre
H64milligram per gram
H65millilitre per cubic metre
H66millimetre per year
H67millimetre per hour
H68millimole per gram
H69picopascal per kilometre
H71percent per monthA unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to a month.
H72percent per hectobarA unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to 100-fold of the unit bar.
H73percent per decakelvinA unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to 10-fold of the SI base unit Kelvin.
H74watt per metre
H76gram per millimetre
H77module widthA unit of measure used to describe the breadth of electronic assemblies as an installation standard or mounting dimension.
H79French gaugeA unit of distance used for measuring the diameter of small tubes such as urological instruments and catheters. Synonym: French, Charrière, Charrière gauge
H80rack unitA unit of measure used to describe the height in rack units of equipment intended for mounting in a 19-inch rack or a 23-inch rack. One rack unit is 1.75 inches (44.45 mm) high.
H81millimetre per minute
H82big pointA unit of length defining the number of big points (big point: Adobe software(US) defines the big point to be exactly 1/72 inch (0.013 888 9 inch or 0.352 777 8 millimeters))
H83litre per kilogram
H84gram millimetre
H85reciprocal week
H87pieceA unit of count defining the number of pieces (piece: a single item, article or exemplar).
H88megaohm kilometre
H89percent per ohmA unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to the SI derived unit ohm.
H90percent per degreeA unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to an angle of one degree.
H91percent per ten thousandA unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to multiples of ten thousand.
H92percent per one hundred thousandA unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to multiples of one hundred thousand.
H93percent per hundredA unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to multiples of one hundred.
H94percent per thousandA unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to multiples of one thousand.
H95percent per voltA unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to the SI derived unit volt.
H96percent per barA unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to an atmospheric pressure of one bar.
H98percent per inchA unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to an inch.
H99percent per metreA unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to a metre.
HAhankA unit of length, typically for yarn.
HADPiece Day
HBXhundred boxesA unit of count defining the number of boxes in multiples of one hundred box units.
HChundred countA unit of count defining the number of units counted in multiples of 100.
HDWhundred kilogram, dry weightA unit of mass defining the number of hundred kilograms of a product, disregarding the water content of the product.
HEAheadA unit of count defining the number of heads (head: a person or animal considered as one of a number).
HHhundred cubic footA unit of volume equal to one hundred cubic foot.
HIUhundred international unitA unit of count defining the number of international units in multiples of 100.
HKMhundred kilogram, net massA unit of mass defining the number of hundred kilograms of a product, after deductions.
HMmile per hour (statute mile)
HMOPiece Month
HMQmillion cubic metreA unit of volume equal to one million cubic metres.
HPAhectolitre of pure alcoholA unit of volume equal to one hundred litres of pure alcohol.
IAinch pound (pound inch)
IEpersonA unit of count defining the number of persons.
INKsquare inch
INQcubic inchSynonym: inch cubed
ISDinternational sugar degreeA unit of measure defining the sugar content of a solution, expressed in degrees.
IUinch per second
IUGinternational unit per gram
IVinch per second squared
J10percent per millimetreA unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to a millimetre.
J12per mille per psiA unit of pressure equal to one thousandth of a psi (pound-force per square inch).
J13degree APIA unit of relative density as a measure of how heavy or light a petroleum liquid is compared to water (API: American Petroleum Institute).
J14degree Baume (origin scale)A traditional unit of relative density for liquids. Named after Antoine Baumé.
J15degree Baume (US heavy)A unit of relative density for liquids heavier than water.
J16degree Baume (US light)A unit of relative density for liquids lighter than water.
J17degree BallingA unit of density as a measure of sugar content, especially of beer wort. Named after Karl Balling.
J18degree BrixA unit of proportion used in measuring the dissolved sugar-to-water mass ratio of a liquid. Named after Adolf Brix.
J19degree Fahrenheit hour square foot per British thermal unit (thermochemical)
J2joule per kilogram
J20degree Fahrenheit per kelvin
J21degree Fahrenheit per bar
J22degree Fahrenheit hour square foot per British thermal unit (international table)
J23degree Fahrenheit per hour
J24degree Fahrenheit per minute
J25degree Fahrenheit per second
J26reciprocal degree Fahrenheit
J27degree OechsleA unit of density as a measure of sugar content of must, the unfermented liqueur from which wine is made. Named after Ferdinand Oechsle.
J28degree Rankine per hour
J29degree Rankine per minute
J30degree Rankine per second
J31degree TwaddellA unit of density for liquids that are heavier than water. 1 degree Twaddle represents a difference in specific gravity of 0.005.
J33microgram per kilogram
J34microgram per cubic metre kelvin
J35microgram per cubic metre bar
J36microlitre per litre
J38baudA unit of signal transmission speed equal to one signalling event per second.
J39British thermal unit (mean)
J40British thermal unit (international table) foot per hour square foot degree Fahrenheit
J41British thermal unit (international table) inch per hour square foot degree Fahrenheit
J42British thermal unit (international table) inch per second square foot degree Fahrenheit
J43British thermal unit (international table) per pound degree Fahrenheit
J44British thermal unit (international table) per minute
J45British thermal unit (international table) per second
J46British thermal unit (thermochemical) foot per hour square foot degree Fahrenheit
J47British thermal unit (thermochemical) per hour
J48British thermal unit (thermochemical) inch per hour square foot degree Fahrenheit
J49British thermal unit (thermochemical) inch per second square foot degree Fahrenheit
J50British thermal unit (thermochemical) per pound degree Fahrenheit
J51British thermal unit (thermochemical) per minute
J52British thermal unit (thermochemical) per second
J53coulomb square metre per kilogram
J54megabaudA unit of signal transmission speed equal to 10⁶ (1000000) signaling events per second.
J55watt second
J56bar per bar
J57barrel (UK petroleum)
J58barrel (UK petroleum) per minute
J59barrel (UK petroleum) per day
J60barrel (UK petroleum) per hour
J61barrel (UK petroleum) per second
J62barrel (US petroleum) per hour
J63barrel (US petroleum) per second
J64bushel (UK) per day
J65bushel (UK) per hour
J66bushel (UK) per minute
J67bushel (UK) per second
J68bushel (US dry) per day
J69bushel (US dry) per hour
J70bushel (US dry) per minute
J71bushel (US dry) per second
J72centinewton metre
J73centipoise per kelvin
J74centipoise per bar
J75calorie (mean)
J76calorie (international table) per gram degree Celsius
J78calorie (thermochemical) per centimetre second degree Celsius
J79calorie (thermochemical) per gram degree Celsius
J81calorie (thermochemical) per minute
J82calorie (thermochemical) per second
J84centimetre per second kelvin
J85centimetre per second bar
J87cubic centimetre per cubic metre
J90cubic decimetre per day
J91cubic decimetre per cubic metre
J92cubic decimetre per minute
J93cubic decimetre per second
J95ounce (UK fluid) per day
J96ounce (UK fluid) per hour
J97ounce (UK fluid) per minute
J98ounce (UK fluid) per second
J99ounce (US fluid) per day
JEjoule per kelvin
JKmegajoule per kilogram
JMmegajoule per cubic metre
JNTpipeline jointA count of the number of pipeline joints.
JPShundred metreA unit of count defining the number of 100 metre lengths.
JWLnumber of jewelsA unit of count defining the number of jewels (jewel: precious stone).
K1kilowatt demandA unit of measure defining the power load measured at predetermined intervals.
K10ounce (US fluid) per hour
K11ounce (US fluid) per minute
K12ounce (US fluid) per second
K13foot per degree Fahrenheit
K14foot per hour
K15foot pound-force per hour
K16foot pound-force per minute
K17foot per psi
K18foot per second degree Fahrenheit
K19foot per second psi
K2kilovolt ampere reactive demandA unit of measure defining the reactive power demand equal to one kilovolt ampere of reactive power.
K20reciprocal cubic foot
K21cubic foot per degree Fahrenheit
K22cubic foot per day
K23cubic foot per psi
K26gallon (UK) per day
K27gallon (UK) per hour
K28gallon (UK) per second
K3kilovolt ampere reactive hourA unit of measure defining the accumulated reactive energy equal to one kilovolt ampere of reactive power per hour.
K30gallon (US liquid) per second
K31gram-force per square centimetre
K32gill (UK) per day
K33gill (UK) per hour
K34gill (UK) per minute
K35gill (UK) per second
K36gill (US) per day
K37gill (US) per hour
K38gill (US) per minute
K39gill (US) per second
K40standard acceleration of free fall
K41grain per gallon (US)
K42horsepower (boiler)
K43horsepower (electric)
K45inch per degree Fahrenheit
K46inch per psi
K47inch per second degree Fahrenheit
K48inch per second psi
K49reciprocal cubic inch
K50kilobaudA unit of signal transmission speed equal to 10³ (1000) signaling events per second.
K51kilocalorie (mean)
K52kilocalorie (international table) per hour metre degree Celsius
K53kilocalorie (thermochemical)
K54kilocalorie (thermochemical) per minute
K55kilocalorie (thermochemical) per second
K58kilomole per hour
K59kilomole per cubic metre kelvin
K60kilomole per cubic metre bar
K61kilomole per minute
K62litre per litre
K63reciprocal litre
K64pound (avoirdupois) per degree Fahrenheit
K65pound (avoirdupois) square foot
K66pound (avoirdupois) per day
K67pound per foot hour
K68pound per foot second
K69pound (avoirdupois) per cubic foot degree Fahrenheit
K70pound (avoirdupois) per cubic foot psi
K71pound (avoirdupois) per gallon (UK)
K73pound (avoirdupois) per hour degree Fahrenheit
K74pound (avoirdupois) per hour psi
K75pound (avoirdupois) per cubic inch degree Fahrenheit
K76pound (avoirdupois) per cubic inch psi
K77pound (avoirdupois) per psi
K78pound (avoirdupois) per minute
K79pound (avoirdupois) per minute degree Fahrenheit
K80pound (avoirdupois) per minute psi
K81pound (avoirdupois) per second
K82pound (avoirdupois) per second degree Fahrenheit
K83pound (avoirdupois) per second psi
K84pound per cubic yard
K85pound-force per square foot
K86pound-force per square inch degree Fahrenheit
K87psi cubic inch per second
K88psi litre per second
K89psi cubic metre per second
K90psi cubic yard per second
K91pound-force second per square foot
K92pound-force second per square inch
K93reciprocal psi
K94quart (UK liquid) per day
K95quart (UK liquid) per hour
K96quart (UK liquid) per minute
K97quart (UK liquid) per second
K98quart (US liquid) per day
K99quart (US liquid) per hour
KAcakeA unit of count defining the number of cakes (cake: object shaped into a flat, compact mass).
KATkatalA unit of catalytic activity defining the catalytic activity of enzymes and other catalysts.
KBkilocharacterA unit of information equal to 10³ (1000) characters.
KCCkilogram of choline chlorideA unit of mass equal to one thousand grams of choline chloride.
KDWkilogram drained net weightA unit of mass defining the net number of kilograms of a product, disregarding the liquid content of the product.
KELkelvinRefer ISO 80000-5 (Quantities and units — Part 5: Thermodynamics)
KGMkilogramA unit of mass equal to one thousand grams.
KGSkilogram per second
KHYkilogram of hydrogen peroxideA unit of mass equal to one thousand grams of hydrogen peroxide.
KIkilogram per millimetre width
KICkilogram, including containerA unit of mass defining the number of kilograms of a product, including its container.
KIPkilogram, including inner packagingA unit of mass defining the number of kilograms of a product, including its inner packaging materials.
KJkilosegmentA unit of information equal to 10³ (1000) segments.
KLkilogram per metre
KLKlactic dry material percentageA unit of proportion defining the percentage of dry lactic material in a product.
KLXkiloluxA unit of illuminance equal to one thousand lux.
KMAkilogram of methylamineA unit of mass equal to one thousand grams of methylamine.
KMHkilometre per hour
KMKsquare kilometre
KMQkilogram per cubic metreA unit of weight expressed in kilograms of a substance that fills a volume of one cubic metre.
KNIkilogram of nitrogenA unit of mass equal to one thousand grams of nitrogen.
KNMkilonewton per square metrePressure expressed in kN/m2.
KNSkilogram named substanceA unit of mass equal to one kilogram of a named substance.
KOmilliequivalence caustic potash per gram of productA unit of count defining the number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide per gram of product as a measure of the concentration of potassium hydroxide in the product.
KPHkilogram of potassium hydroxide (caustic potash)A unit of mass equal to one thousand grams of potassium hydroxide (caustic potash).
KPOkilogram of potassium oxideA unit of mass equal to one thousand grams of potassium oxide.
KPPkilogram of phosphorus pentoxide (phosphoric anhydride)A unit of mass equal to one thousand grams of phosphorus pentoxide phosphoric anhydride.
KSDkilogram of substance 90 % dryA unit of mass equal to one thousand grams of a named substance that is 90% dry.
KSHkilogram of sodium hydroxide (caustic soda)A unit of mass equal to one thousand grams of sodium hydroxide (caustic soda).
KTkitA unit of count defining the number of kits (kit: tub, barrel or pail).
KURkilogram of uraniumA unit of mass equal to one thousand grams of uranium.
KVAkilovolt - ampere
KWkilogram per millimetre
KWHkilowatt hour
KWNKilowatt hour per normalized cubic metre
KWOkilogram of tungsten trioxideA unit of mass equal to one thousand grams of tungsten trioxide.
KWSKilowatt hour per standard cubic metre
KWYkilowatt year
KXmillilitre per kilogram
L10quart (US liquid) per minute
L11quart (US liquid) per second
L12metre per second kelvin
L13metre per second bar
L14square metre hour degree Celsius per kilocalorie (international table)
L15millipascal second per kelvin
L16millipascal second per bar
L17milligram per cubic metre kelvin
L18milligram per cubic metre bar
L19millilitre per litre
L2litre per minute
L20reciprocal cubic millimetre
L21cubic millimetre per cubic metre
L23mole per hour
L24mole per kilogram kelvin
L25mole per kilogram bar
L26mole per litre kelvin
L27mole per litre bar
L28mole per cubic metre kelvin
L29mole per cubic metre bar
L30mole per minute
L31milliroentgen aequivalent men
L32nanogram per kilogram
L33ounce (avoirdupois) per day
L34ounce (avoirdupois) per hour
L35ounce (avoirdupois) per minute
L36ounce (avoirdupois) per second
L37ounce (avoirdupois) per gallon (UK)
L38ounce (avoirdupois) per gallon (US)
L39ounce (avoirdupois) per cubic inch
L40ounce (avoirdupois)-force
L41ounce (avoirdupois)-force inch
L42picosiemens per metre
L43peck (UK)
L44peck (UK) per day
L45peck (UK) per hour
L46peck (UK) per minute
L47peck (UK) per second
L48peck (US dry) per day
L49peck (US dry) per hour
L50peck (US dry) per minute
L51peck (US dry) per second
L52psi per psi
L53pint (UK) per day
L54pint (UK) per hour
L55pint (UK) per minute
L56pint (UK) per second
L57pint (US liquid) per day
L58pint (US liquid) per hour
L59pint (US liquid) per minute
L60pint (US liquid) per second
L63slug per day
L64slug per foot second
L65slug per cubic foot
L66slug per hour
L67slug per minute
L68slug per second
L69tonne per kelvin
L70tonne per bar
L71tonne per day
L72tonne per day kelvin
L73tonne per day bar
L74tonne per hour kelvin
L75tonne per hour bar
L76tonne per cubic metre kelvin
L77tonne per cubic metre bar
L78tonne per minute
L79tonne per minute kelvin
L80tonne per minute bar
L81tonne per second
L82tonne per second kelvin
L83tonne per second bar
L84ton (UK shipping)
L85ton long per day
L86ton (US shipping)
L87ton short per degree Fahrenheit
L88ton short per day
L89ton short per hour degree Fahrenheit
L90ton short per hour psi
L91ton short per psi
L92ton (UK long) per cubic yard
L93ton (US short) per cubic yard
L94ton-force (US short)
L95common year
L96sidereal year
L98yard per degree Fahrenheit
L99yard per psi
LApound per cubic inch
LAClactose excess percentageA unit of proportion defining the percentage of lactose in a product that exceeds a defined percentage level.
LBTtroy pound (US)
LDlitre per day
LEFleafA unit of count defining the number of leaves.
LFlinear footA unit of count defining the number of feet (12-inch) in length of a uniform width object.
LHlabour hourA unit of time defining the number of labour hours.
LKlinkA unit of distance equal to 0.01 chain.
LMlinear metreA unit of count defining the number of metres in length of a uniform width object.
LNlengthA unit of distance defining the linear extent of an item measured from end to end.
LOlot [unit of procurement]A unit of count defining the number of lots (lot: a collection of associated items).
LPliquid poundA unit of mass defining the number of pounds of a liquid substance.
LPAlitre of pure alcoholA unit of volume equal to one litre of pure alcohol.
LRlayerA unit of count defining the number of layers.
LSlump sumA unit of count defining the number of whole or a complete monetary amounts.
LTNton (UK) or long ton (US)Synonym: gross ton (2240 lb)
LUBmetric ton, lubricating oilA unit of mass defining the number of metric tons of lubricating oil.
LYlinear yardA unit of count defining the number of 36-inch units in length of a uniform width object.
M1milligram per litre
M10reciprocal cubic yard
M11cubic yard per degree Fahrenheit
M12cubic yard per day
M13cubic yard per hour
M14cubic yard per psi
M15cubic yard per minute
M16cubic yard per second
M17kilohertz metre
M18gigahertz metre
M19BeaufortAn empirical measure for describing wind speed based mainly on observed sea conditions. The Beaufort scale indicates the wind speed by numbers that typically range from 0 for calm, to 12 for hurricane.
M20reciprocal megakelvin or megakelvin to the power minus one
M21reciprocal kilovolt - ampere reciprocal hour
M22millilitre per square centimetre minute
M23newton per centimetre
M24ohm kilometre
M25percent per degree CelsiusA unit of proportion, equal to 0.01, in relation to a temperature of one degree.
M26gigaohm per metre
M27megahertz metre
M29kilogram per kilogram
M30reciprocal volt - ampere reciprocal second
M31kilogram per kilometre
M32pascal second per litre
M33millimole per litre
M34newton metre per square metre
M35millivolt - ampere
M3630-day monthA unit of count defining the number of months expressed in multiples of 30 days, one day equals 24 hours.
M37actual/360A unit of count defining the number of years expressed in multiples of 360 days, one day equals 24 hours.
M38kilometre per second squaredsecond by exponent 2.
M39centimetre per second squaredsecond by exponent 2.
M4monetary valueA unit of measure expressed as a monetary amount.
M40yard per second squaredUnit of the length according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units
M41millimetre per second squaredsecond by exponent 2.
M42mile (statute mile) per second squaredpower of the SI base unit second by exponent 2.
M43milUnit to indicate an angle at military zone, equal to the 6400th part of the full circle of the 360° or 2·p·rad.
M44revolutionUnit to identify an angle of the full circle of 360° or 2·p·rad (Refer ISO/TC12 SI Guide).
M45degree [unit of angle] per second squaredthe exponent 2.
M46revolution per minuteUnit of the angular velocity.
M47circular milUnit of an area, of which the size is given by a diameter of length of 1 mm (0,001 in) based on the formula: area = p·(diameter/2)².
M48square mile (based on U.S. survey foot)Unit of the area, which is mainly common in the agriculture and forestry.
M49chain (based on U.S. survey foot)Unit of the length according the Anglo-American system of units.
M50furlongUnit commonly used in Great Britain at rural distances: 1 furlong = 40 rods = 10 chains (UK) = 1/8 mile = 1/10 furlong = 220 yards = 660 foot.
M51foot (U.S. survey)Unit commonly used in the United States for ordnance survey.
M52mile (based on U.S. survey foot)Unit commonly used in the United States for ordnance survey.
M53metre per pascal
M55metre per radiantUnit of the translation factor for implementation from rotation to linear movement.
M56shakeUnit for a very short period.
M57mile per minuteUnit of velocity from the Imperial system of units.
M58mile per secondUnit of the velocity from the Imperial system of units.
M59metre per second pascalderived SI unit pascal.
M60metre per hour
M61inch per yearUnit of the length according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units
M62kilometre per secondsecond.
M63inch per minuteby the unit minute.
M64yard per secondby the SI base unit second.
M65yard per minuteby the unit minute.
M66yard per hourby the unit hour.
M67acre-foot (based on U.S. survey foot)Unit of the volume, which is used in the United States to measure/gauge the capacity of reservoirs.
M68cord (128 ft3)Traditional unit of the volume of stacked firewood which has been measured with a cord.
M69cubic mile (UK statute)Unit of volume according to the Imperial system of units.
M70ton, registerTraditional unit of the cargo capacity.
M71cubic metre per pascalunit pascal.
M72belLogarithmic relationship to base 10.
M73kilogram per cubic metre pascalmetre with exponent 3 and the derived SI unit pascal.
M74kilogram per pascal
M75kilopound-force1000-fold of the unit of the force pound-force (lbf) according to the Anglo-American system of units with the relationship.
M76poundalNon SI-conforming unit of the power, which corresponds to a mass of a pound multiplied with the acceleration of a foot per square second.
M77kilogram metre per second squaredpower of the SI base unit second by exponent 2.
M78pond0,001-fold of the unit of the weight, defined as a mass of 1 kg which finds out about a weight strength from 1 kp by the gravitational force at sea level which corresponds to a strength of 9,806 65 newton.
M79square foot per hourPower of the unit foot according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of
M80stokes per pascalpascal.
M81square centimetre per secondthe SI base unit second.
M82square metre per second pascalsecond and the derived SI unit pascal.
M83denierTraditional unit for the indication of the linear mass of textile fibers and yarns.
M84pound per yardUnit for linear mass according to avoirdupois system of units.
M85ton, assayNon SI-conforming unit of the mass used in the mineralogy to determine the concentration of precious metals in ore according to the mass of the precious metal in milligrams in a sample of the mass of an assay sound (number of troy ounces in a short ton (1 000 lb)).
M86pfundOutdated unit of the mass used in Germany.
M87kilogram per second pascalderived SI unit pascal.
M88tonne per month
M89tonne per year
M9million Btu per 1000 cubic foot
M90kilopound per hour1000-fold of the unit of the mass avoirdupois pound according to the
M91pound per poundProportion of the mass consisting of the avoirdupois pound according to the unit system.
M92pound-force footProduct of the unit pound-force according to the Anglo-American system of units and the unit foot according to the Anglo-American and the Imperial system of units.
M93newton metre per radianunit radian.
M94kilogram metreUnit of imbalance as a product of the SI base unit kilogram and the SI base unit metre.
M95poundal footProduct of the non SI-conforming unit of the force poundal and the unit foot according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units .
M96poundal inchProduct of the non SI-conforming unit of the force poundal and the unit inch according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units .
M97dyne metreCGS (Centimetre-Gram-Second system) unit of the rotational moment.
M98kilogram centimetre per secondProduct of the SI base unit kilogram and the 0,01-fold of the SI base unit
M99gram centimetre per secondProduct of the 0,001-fold of the SI base unit kilogram and the 0,01-fold of the
MAHmegavolt ampere reactive hourA unit of electrical reactive power defining the total amount of reactive power across a power system.
MARmegavarA unit of electrical reactive power represented by a current of one thousand amperes flowing due a potential difference of one thousand volts where the sine of the phase angle between them is 1.
MAWmegawattA unit of power defining the rate of energy transferred or consumed when a current of 1000 amperes flows due to a potential of 1000 volts at unity power factor.
MBEthousand standard brick equivalentA unit of count defining the number of one thousand brick equivalent units.
MBFthousand board footA unit of volume equal to one thousand board foot.
MDair dry metric tonA unit of count defining the number of metric tons of a product, disregarding the water content of the product.
MIKsquare mile (statute mile)
MINminute [unit of time]
MIUmillion international unitA unit of count defining the number of international units in multiples of 10.
MKDSquare Metre Day
MKMSquare Metre Month
MKWSquare Metre Week
MLDmilliardSynonym: billion (US)
MMKsquare millimetre
MMQcubic millimetre
MNDkilogram, dry weightA unit of mass defining the number of kilograms of a product, disregarding the water content of the product.
MNJMega Joule per Normalised cubic Metre
MONmonthUnit of time equal to 1/12 of a year of 365,25 days.
MQDCubic Metre Day
MQHcubic metre per hour
MQMCubic Metre Month
MQScubic metre per second
MQWCubic Metre Week
MRDMetre Day
MRMMetre Month
MRWMetre Week
MSKmetre per second squared
MTKsquare metre
MTQcubic metreSynonym: metre cubed
MTSmetre per second
MVAmegavolt - ampere
MWHmegawatt hour (1000 kW.h)A unit of power defining the total amount of bulk energy transferred or consumed.
N1pen calorieA unit of count defining the number of calories prescribed daily for parenteral/enteral therapy.
N10pound foot per secondProduct of the avoirdupois pound according to the avoirdupois unit system and the SI base unit second.
N11pound inch per secondProduct of the avoirdupois pound according to the avoirdupois unit system and the SI base unit second.
N12PferdestaerkeObsolete unit of the power relating to DIN 1301-3:1979: 1 PS = 735,498 75 W.
N13centimetre of mercury (0 ºC)Non SI-conforming unit of pressure, at which a value of 1 cmHg meets the static pressure, which is generated by a mercury at a temperature of 0 °C with a height of 1 centimetre .
N14centimetre of water (4 ºC)Non SI-conforming unit of pressure, at which a value of 1 cmH2O meets the static pressure, which is generated by a head of water at a temperature of 4 °C with a height of 1 centimetre .
N15foot of water (39.2 ºF)Non SI-conforming unit of pressure according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system for units, whereas the value of 1 ftH2O is equivalent to the static pressure, which is generated by a head of water at a temperature 39,2°F with a height of 1 foot .
N16inch of mercury (32 ºF)Non SI-conforming unit of pressure according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system for units, whereas the value of 1 inHg meets the static pressure, which is generated by a mercury at a temperature of 32°F with a height of 1 inch.
N17inch of mercury (60 ºF)Non SI-conforming unit of pressure according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system for units, whereas the value of 1 inHg meets the static pressure, which is generated by a mercury at a temperature of 60°F with a height of 1 inch.
N18inch of water (39.2 ºF)Non SI-conforming unit of pressure according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system for units, whereas the value of 1 inH2O meets the static pressure, which is generated by a head of water at a temperature of 39,2°F with a height of 1 inch .
N19inch of water (60 ºF)Non SI-conforming unit of pressure according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system for units, whereas the value of 1 inH2O meets the static pressure, which is generated by a head of water at a temperature of 60°F with a height of 1 inch .
N20kip per square inchNon SI-conforming unit of the pressure according to the Anglo-American system the unit inch by exponent 2.
N21poundal per square footNon SI-conforming unit of pressure by the Imperial system of units according to NIST: 1 pdl/ft² = 1,488 164 Pa.
N22ounce (avoirdupois) per square inchUnit of the surface specific mass (avoirdupois ounce according to the avoirdupois system of units according to the surface square inch according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units).
N23conventional metre of waterNot SI-conforming unit of pressure, whereas a value of 1 mH2O is equivalent to the static pressure, which is produced by one metre high water column .
N24gram per square millimetrepower of the SI base unit meter by exponent 2.
N25pound per square yardUnit for areal-related mass as a unit pound according to the avoirdupois unit Imperial system of units with exponent 2.
N26poundal per square inchNon SI-conforming unit of the pressure according to the Imperial system of units (poundal by square inch).
N27foot to the fourth powerPower of the unit foot according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units by exponent 4 according to NIST: 1 ft4 = 8,630 975 m4.
N28cubic decimetre per kilogramSI based unit kilogram.
N29cubic foot per poundPower of the unit foot according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of unit system.
N3print point
N30cubic inch per poundPower of the unit inch according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of system .
N31kilonewton per metremetre.
N32poundal per inchNon SI-conforming unit of the surface tension according to the Imperial unit system as quotient poundal by inch.
N33pound-force per yardUnit of force per unit length based on the Anglo-American system of units.
N34poundal second per square footNon SI-conforming unit of viscosity.
N35poise per pascalpascal.
N36newton second per square metreUnit of the dynamic viscosity as a product of unit of the pressure (newton by square metre) multiplied with the SI base unit second.
N37kilogram per metre secondthe SI base unit metre and by the SI base unit second.
N38kilogram per metre minutethe SI base unit metre and by the unit minute.
N39kilogram per metre daythe SI base unit metre and by the unit day.
N40kilogram per metre hourthe SI base unit metre and by the unit hour.
N41gram per centimetre secondUnit of the dynamic viscosity as a quotient of the 0,001-fold of the SI base second.
N42poundal second per square inchNon SI-conforming unit of dynamic viscosity according to the Imperial system of units as product unit of the pressure (poundal by square inch) multiplied by the SI base unit second.
N43pound per foot minuteUnit of the dynamic viscosity according to the Anglo-American unit system.
N44pound per foot dayUnit of the dynamic viscosity according to the Anglo-American unit system.
N45cubic metre per second pascalbase unit second and the derived SI base unit pascal.
N46foot poundalUnit of the work (force-path).
N47inch poundalUnit of work (force multiplied by path) according to the Imperial system of units as a product unit inch multiplied by poundal.
N48watt per square centimetremetre by exponent 2.
N49watt per square inchAnglo-American and Imperial system of units by exponent 2.
N50British thermal unit (international table) per square foot hourUnit of the surface heat flux according to the Imperial system of units.
N51British thermal unit (thermochemical) per square foot hourUnit of the surface heat flux according to the Imperial system of units.
N52British thermal unit (thermochemical) per square foot minuteUnit of the surface heat flux according to the Imperial system of units.
N53British thermal unit (international table) per square foot secondUnit of the surface heat flux according to the Imperial system of units.
N54British thermal unit (thermochemical) per square foot secondUnit of the surface heat flux according to the Imperial system of units.
N55British thermal unit (international table) per square inch secondUnit of the surface heat flux according to the Imperial system of units.
N56calorie (thermochemical) per square centimetre minuteUnit of the surface heat flux according to the Imperial system of units.
N57calorie (thermochemical) per square centimetre secondUnit of the surface heat flux according to the Imperial system of units.
N58British thermal unit (international table) per cubic footUnit of the energy density according to the Imperial system of units.
N59British thermal unit (thermochemical) per cubic footUnit of the energy density according to the Imperial system of units.
N60British thermal unit (international table) per degree FahrenheitUnit of the heat capacity according to the Imperial system of units.
N61British thermal unit (thermochemical) per degree FahrenheitUnit of the heat capacity according to the Imperial system of units.
N62British thermal unit (international table) per degree RankineUnit of the heat capacity according to the Imperial system of units.
N63British thermal unit (thermochemical) per degree RankineUnit of the heat capacity according to the Imperial system of units.
N64British thermal unit (thermochemical) per pound degree RankineUnit of the heat capacity (British thermal unit according to the international by the unit avoirdupois pound according to the avoirdupois system of units.
N65kilocalorie (international table) per gram kelvinUnit of the mass-related heat capacity as quotient 1000-fold of the calorie kilogram and kelvin.
N66British thermal unit (39 ºF)Unit of heat energy according to the Imperial system of units in a reference temperature of 39 °F.
N67British thermal unit (59 ºF)Unit of heat energy according to the Imperial system of units in a reference temperature of 59 °F.
N68British thermal unit (60 ºF)Unit of head energy according to the Imperial system of units at a reference temperature of 60 °F.
N69calorie (20 ºC)Unit for quantity of heat, which is to be required for 1 g air free water at a constant pressure from 101,325 kPa, to warm up the pressure of standard atmosphere at sea level, from 19,5 °C on 20,5 °C.
N70quad (1015 BtuIT)Unit of heat energy according to the imperial system of units.
N71therm (EC)Unit of heat energy in commercial use, within the EU defined: 1 thm (EC) = 100 000 BtuIT.
N72therm (U.S.)Unit of heat energy in commercial use.
N73British thermal unit (thermochemical) per poundunit avoirdupois pound according to the avoirdupois system of units.
N74British thermal unit (international table) per hour square foot degree FahrenheitUnit of the heat transition coefficient according to the Imperial system of units.
N75British thermal unit (thermochemical) per hour square foot degree FahrenheitUnit of the heat transition coefficient according to the imperial system of units.
N76British thermal unit (international table) per second square foot degree FahrenheitUnit of the heat transition coefficient according to the imperial system of units.
N77British thermal unit (thermochemical) per second square foot degree FahrenheitUnit of the heat transition coefficient according to the imperial system of units.
N78kilowatt per square metre kelvinthe SI base unit metre by exponent 2 and the SI base unit kelvin.
N79kelvin per pascal
N80watt per metre degree Celsiusunit for temperature degree Celsius.
N81kilowatt per metre kelvinunit metre and the SI base unit kelvin.
N82kilowatt per metre degree Celsiusunit metre and the unit for temperature degree Celsius.
N83metre per degree Celcius metrebase unit metre.
N84degree Fahrenheit hour per British thermal unit (international table)Non SI-conforming unit of the thermal resistance according to the Imperial system of units.
N85degree Fahrenheit hour per British thermal unit (thermochemical)Non SI-conforming unit of the thermal resistance according to the Imperial system of units.
N86degree Fahrenheit second per British thermal unit (international table)Non SI-conforming unit of the thermal resistance according to the Imperial system of units.
N87degree Fahrenheit second per British thermal unit (thermochemical)Non SI-conforming unit of the thermal resistance according to the Imperial system of units.
N88degree Fahrenheit hour square foot per British thermal unit (international table) inchUnit of specific thermal resistance according to the Imperial system of units.
N89degree Fahrenheit hour square foot per British thermal unit (thermochemical) inchUnit of specific thermal resistance according to the Imperial system of units.
N90kilofarad1000-fold of the derived SI unit farad.
N91reciprocal jouleReciprocal of the derived SI unit joule.
N92picosiemens0,000 000 000 001-fold of the derived SI unit siemens.
N93ampere per pascal
N94franklinCGS (Centimetre-Gram-Second system) unit of the electrical charge, where the charge amounts to exactly 1 Fr where the force of 1 dyn on an equal load is performed at a distance of 1 cm.
N95ampere minuteA unit of electric charge defining the amount of charge accumulated by a steady flow of one ampere for one minute..
N96biotCGS (Centimetre-Gram-Second system) unit of the electric power which is defined by a force of 2 dyn per cm between two parallel conductors of infinite length with negligible cross-section in the distance of 1 cm.
N97gilbertCGS (Centimetre-Gram-Second system) unit of the magnetomotive force, which is defined by the work to increase the magnetic potential of a positive common pol with 1 erg.
N98volt per pascal
N99picovolt0,000 000 000 001-fold of the derived SI unit volt.
NAmilligram per kilogram
NARnumber of articlesA unit of count defining the number of articles (article: item).
NCLnumber of cellsA unit of count defining the number of cells (cell: an enclosed or circumscribed space, cavity, or volume).
NFmessageA unit of count defining the number of messages.
NILnilA unit of count defining the number of instances of nothing.
NIUnumber of international unitsA unit of count defining the number of international units.
NLloadA unit of volume defining the number of loads (load: a quantity of items carried or processed at one time).
NM3Normalised cubic metreNormalised cubic metre (temperature 0°C and pressure 101325 millibars )
NMInautical mile
NMPnumber of packsA unit of count defining the number of packs (pack: a collection of objects packaged together).
NPTnumber of partsA unit of count defining the number of parts (part: component of a larger entity).
NTnet tonA unit of mass equal to 2000 pounds, see ton (US). Refer International Convention on tonnage measurement of Ships.
NTUNephelometric turbidity unit
NUnewton metre
NXpart per thousandA unit of proportion equal to 10⁻³. Synonym: per mille
OApanelA unit of count defining the number of panels (panel: a distinct, usually rectangular, section of a surface).
ODEozone depletion equivalentA unit of mass defining the ozone depletion potential in kilograms of a product relative to the calculated depletion for the reference substance, Trichlorofluoromethane (CFC-11).
ODKODS Kilograms
ODMODS Milligrams
ONounce per square yard
ONZounce (avoirdupois)
OPMoscillations per minuteThe number of oscillations per minute.
OTovertime hourA unit of time defining the number of overtime hours.
OZAfluid ounce (US)
OZIfluid ounce (UK)
P1percentA unit of proportion equal to 0.01.
P10coulomb per metre
P11kiloweber1000 fold of the derived SI unit weber.
P12gammaUnit of magnetic flow density.
P13kilotesla1000-fold of the derived SI unit tesla.
P14joule per secondsecond.
P15joule per minuteminute.
P16joule per hour
P17joule per day
P18kilojoule per secondunit second.
P19kilojoule per minuteminute.
P2pound per foot
P20kilojoule per hourhour.
P21kilojoule per dayday.
P22nanoohm0,000 000 001-fold of the derived SI unit ohm.
P23ohm circular-mil per footUnit of resistivity.
P24kilohenry1000-fold of the derived SI unit henry.
P25lumen per square footAnglo-American and Imperial system of units by exponent 2.
P26photCGS (Centimetre-Gram-Second system) unit of luminance, defined as lumen by square centimetre.
P27footcandleNon SI conform traditional unit, defined as density of light which impinges on a surface which has a distance of one foot from a light source, which shines with an intensity of an international candle.
P28candela per square inchAnglo-American and Imperial system of units by exponent 2.
P29footlambertUnit of the luminance according to the Anglo-American system of units, defined as emitted or reflected luminance of a lm/ft².
P30lambertCGS (Centimetre-Gram-Second system) unit of luminance, defined as the emitted or reflected luminance by one lumen per square centimetre.
P31stilbCGS (Centimetre-Gram-Second system) unit of luminance, defined as emitted or reflected luminance by one lumen per square centimetre.
P32candela per square footAnglo-American and Imperial system of units by exponent 2.
P33kilocandela1000-fold of the SI base unit candela.
P34millicandela0,001-fold of the SI base unit candela.
P35Hefner-KerzeObsolete, non-legal unit of the power in Germany relating to DIN 1301-3:1979: 1 HK = 0,903 cd.
P36international candleObsolete, non-legal unit of the power in Germany relating to DIN 1301-3:1979: 1 HK = 1,019 cd.
P37British thermal unit (international table) per square footUnit of the areal-related energy transmission according to the Imperial system of units.
P38British thermal unit (thermochemical) per square footUnit of the areal-related energy transmission according to the Imperial system of units.
P39calorie (thermochemical) per square centimetreUnit of the areal-related energy transmission according to the Imperial system of units.
P40langleyCGS (Centimetre-Gram-Second system) unit of the areal-related energy transmission (as a measure of the incident quantity of heat of solar radiation on the earth's surface).
P41decade (logarithmic)1 Dec := log2 10 ˜ 3,32 according to the logarithm for frequency range between f1 and f2, when f2/f1 = 10.
P42pascal squared secondUnit of the set as a product of the power of derived SI unit pascal with exponent 2 and the SI base unit second.
P43bel per metre
P44pound moleNon SI-conforming unit of quantity of a substance relating that one pound mole of a chemical composition corresponds to the same number of pounds as the molecular weight of one molecule of this composition in atomic mass units.
P45pound mole per secondNon SI-conforming unit of the power of the amount of substance non-SI compliant unit of the molar flux relating that a pound mole of a chemical composition the same number of pound corresponds like the molecular weight of a molecule of this composition in atomic mass units.
P46pound mole per minuteNon SI-conforming unit of the power of the amount of substance non-SI compliant unit of the molar flux relating that a pound mole of a chemical composition the same number of pound corresponds like the molecular weight of a molecule of this composition in atomic mass units.
P47kilomole per kilogramkilogram.
P48pound mole per poundpound for mass according to the avoirdupois unit system.
P49newton square metre per ampereProduct of the derived SI unit newton and the power of SI base unit metre with
P5five packA unit of count defining the number of five-packs (five-pack: set of five items packaged together).
P50weber metreProduct of the derived SI unit weber and SI base unit metre.
P51mol per kilogram pascalderived SI unit pascal.
P52mol per cubic metre pascalmetre with exponent 3 and the derived SI unit pascal.
P53unit poleCGS (Centimetre-Gram-Second system) unit for magnetic flux of a magnetic pole (according to the interaction of identical poles of 1 dyn at a distance of a cm).
P54milligray per secondsecond.
P55microgray per secondsecond.
P56nanogray per secondsecond.
P57gray per minute
P58milligray per minuteminute.
P59microgray per minuteminute.
P60nanogray per minuteminute.
P61gray per hour
P62milligray per hour
P63microgray per hourhour.
P64nanogray per hourhour.
P65sievert per second
P66millisievert per secondsecond.
P67microsievert per secondsecond.
P68nanosievert per secondsecond.
P69rem per secondUnit for the equivalent tin rate relating to DIN 1301-3:1979: 1 rem/s = 0,01 J/(kg·s) = 1 Sv/s.
P70sievert per hour
P71millisievert per hourhour.
P72microsievert per hourhour.
P73nanosievert per hourhour.
P74sievert per minute
P75millisievert per minuteminute.
P76microsievert per minuteminute.
P77nanosievert per minuteminute.
P78reciprocal square inchComplement of the power of the unit inch according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units by exponent 2.
P79pascal square metre per kilogramUnit of the burst index as derived unit for pressure pascal related to the of the SI base unit metre by exponent 2.
P80millipascal per metremetre.
P81kilopascal per metremetre.
P82hectopascal per metremetre.
P83standard atmosphere per metre
P84technical atmosphere per metreObsolete and non-legal unit of the pressure which is generated by a 10 metre
P85torr per metreunit metre.
P86psi per inchCompound unit for pressure (pound-force according to the Anglo-American unit Anglo-American and Imperial system of units .
P87cubic metre per second square metreUnit of volume flow cubic meters by second related to the transmission surface in square metres.
P88rheNon SI-conforming unit of fluidity of dynamic viscosity.
P89pound-force foot per inchUnit for length-related rotational moment according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units.
P90pound-force inch per inchUnit for length-related rotational moment according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units.
P91perm (0 ºC)Traditional unit for the ability of a material to allow the transition of the steam, defined at a temperature of 0 °C as steam transmittance, where the mass of one grain steam penetrates an area of one foot squared at a pressure from one inch mercury per hour.
P92perm (23 ºC)Traditional unit for the ability of a material to allow the transition of the steam, defined at a temperature of 23 °C as steam transmittance at which the mass of one grain of steam penetrates an area of one square foot at a pressure of one inch mercury per hour.
P93byte per second
P94kilobyte per second
P95megabyte per secondsecond.
P96reciprocal voltReciprocal of the derived SI unit volt.
P97reciprocal radianReciprocal of the unit radian.
P98pascal to the power sum of stoichiometric numbersUnit of the equilibrium constant on the basis of the pressure(ISO 80000-9:2009, 9-35.a).
P99mole per cubiv metre to the power sum of stoichiometric numbersUnit of the equilibrium constant on the basis of the concentration (ISO 80000-9:2009, 9-36.a).
PDpadA unit of count defining the number of pads (pad: block of paper sheets fastened together at one end).
PFLproof litreA unit of volume equal to one litre of proof spirits, or the alcohol equivalent thereof. Used for measuring the strength of distilled alcoholic liquors, expressed as a percentage of the alcohol content of a standard mixture at a specific temperature.
PGLproof gallonA unit of volume equal to one gallon of proof spirits, or the alcohol equivalent thereof. Used for measuring the strength of distilled alcoholic liquors, expressed as a percentage of the alcohol content of a standard mixture at a specific temperature.
PIpitchA unit of count defining the number of characters that fit in a horizontal inch.
PLAdegree PlatoA unit of proportion defining the sugar content of a product, especially in relation to beer.
POpound per inch of length
PQpage per inchA unit of quantity defining the degree of thickness of a bound publication, expressed as the number of pages per inch of thickness.
PRpairA unit of count defining the number of pairs (pair: item described by two's).
PSpound-force per square inch
PTDdry pint (US)
PTIpint (UK)
PTLliquid pint (US)
PTNportionA quantity of allowance of food allotted to, or enough for, one person.
Q10joule per teslaUnit of the magnetic dipole moment of the molecule as derived SI unit joule
Q11erlangUnit of the market value according to the feature of a single feature as a statistical measurement of the existing utilization.
Q12octetSynonym for byte: 1 octet = 8 bit = 1 byte.
Q13octet per second
Q14shannonLogarithmic unit for information equal to the content of decision of a sentence of two mutually exclusive events, expressed as a logarithm to base 2.
Q15hartleyLogarithmic unit for information equal to the content of decision of a sentence of ten mutually exclusive events, expressed as a logarithm to base 10.
Q16natural unit of informationLogarithmic unit for information equal to the content of decision of a sentence of ,718 281 828 459 mutually exclusive events, expressed as a logarithm to base Euler value e.
Q17shannon per secondTime related logarithmic unit for information equal to the content of decision of a sentence of two mutually exclusive events, expressed as a logarithm to base 2.
Q18hartley per secondTime related logarithmic unit for information equal to the content of decision of a sentence of ten mutually exclusive events, expressed as a logarithm to base 10.
Q19natural unit of information per secondTime related logarithmic unit for information equal to the content of decision of a sentence of 2,718 281 828 459 mutually exclusive events, expressed as a logarithm to base of the Euler value e.
Q20second per kilogrammUnit of the Einstein transition probability for spontaneous or inducing emissions and absorption according to ISO 80000-7:2008, expressed as SI base unit second
Q21watt square metreUnit of the first radiation constants c1 = 2·p·h·c0², the value of which is 3,741 771 18·10?¹6-fold that of the comparative value of the product of the derived SI unit watt multiplied with the power of the SI base unit metre with the exponent 2.
Q22second per radian cubic metreUnit of the density of states as an expression of angular frequency as complement of the product of hertz and radiant and the power of SI base unit metre by exponent 3 .
Q23weber to the power minus oneComplement of the derived SI unit weber as unit of the Josephson constant, volt.
Q24reciprocal inchComplement of the unit inch according to the Anglo-American and Imperial system of units.
Q25dioptreUnit used at the statement of relative refractive indexes of optical systems as complement of the focal length with correspondence to: 1 dpt = 1/m.
Q26one per oneValue of the quotient from two physical units of the same kind as a numerator and denominator whereas the units are shortened mutually.
Q27newton metre per metreUnit for length-related rotational moment as product of the derived SI unit
Q28kilogram per square metre pascal secondUnit for the ability of a material to allow the transition of steam.
Q29microgram per hectogramMicrogram per hectogram.
Q30pH (potential of Hydrogen)The activity of the (solvated) hydrogen ion (a logarithmic measure used to state the acidity or alkalinity of a chemical solution).
Q31kilojoule per gram
Q35megawatts per minuteA unit of power defining the total amount of bulk energy transferred or consumer per minute.
Q36square metre per cubic metreA unit of the amount of surface area per unit volume of an object or collection of objects.
Q37Standard cubic metre per dayStandard cubic metre (temperature 15°C and pressure 101325 millibars ) per day
Q38Standard cubic metre per hourStandard cubic metre (temperature 15°C and pressure 101325 millibars ) per hour
Q39Normalized cubic metre per dayNormalized cubic metre (temperature 0°C and pressure 101325 millibars ) per day
Q40Normalized cubic metre per hourNormalized cubic metre (temperature 0°C and pressure 101325 millibars ) per hour
Q41Joule per normalised cubic metre
Q42Joule per standard cubic metre
Q3mealA unit of count defining the number of meals (meal: an amount of food to be eaten on a single occasion).
QApage - facsimileA unit of count defining the number of facsimile pages.
QANquarter (of a year)A unit of time defining the number of quarters (3 months).
QBpage - hardcopyA unit of count defining the number of hardcopy pages (hardcopy page: a page rendered as printed or written output on paper, film, or other permanent medium).
QRquireA unit of count for paper, expressed as the number of quires (quire: a number of paper sheets, typically 25).
QTDdry quart (US)
QTIquart (UK)
QTLliquid quart (US)
QTRquarter (UK)A traditional unit of weight equal to 1/4 hundredweight. In the United Kingdom, one quarter equals 28 pounds.
R1picaA unit of count defining the number of picas. (pica: typographical length equal to 12 points or 4.22 mm (approx.)).
R9thousand cubic metreA unit of volume equal to one thousand cubic metres.
RHrunning or operating hourA unit of time defining the number of hours of operation.
RMreamA unit of count for paper, expressed as the number of reams (ream: a large quantity of paper sheets, typically 500).
ROMroomA unit of count defining the number of rooms.
RPpound per reamA unit of mass for paper, expressed as pounds per ream. (ream: a large quantity of paper, typically 500 sheets).
RPMrevolutions per minuteRefer ISO/TC12 SI Guide
RPSrevolutions per secondRefer ISO/TC12 SI Guide
RTrevenue ton mileA unit of information typically used for billing purposes, expressed as the number of revenue tons (revenue ton: either a metric ton or a cubic metres, whichever is the larger), moved over a distance of one mile.
S3square foot per secondSynonym: foot squared per second
S4square metre per secondSynonym: metre squared per second (square metres/second US)
SANhalf year (6 months)A unit of time defining the number of half years (6 months).
SCOscoreA unit of count defining the number of units in multiples of 20.
SECsecond [unit of time]
SETsetA unit of count defining the number of sets (set: a number of objects grouped together).
SGsegmentA unit of information equal to 64000 bytes.
SM3Standard cubic metreStandard cubic metre (temperature 15°C and pressure 101325 millibars )
SMImile (statute mile)
SQsquareA unit of count defining the number of squares (square: rectangular shape).
SQRsquare, roofingA unit of count defining the number of squares of roofing materials, measured in multiples of 100 square feet.
SRstripA unit of count defining the number of strips (strip: long narrow piece of an object).
STCstickA unit of count defining the number of sticks (stick: slender and often cylindrical piece of a substance).
STIstone (UK)
STKstick, cigaretteA unit of count defining the number of cigarettes in the smallest unit for stock-taking and/or duty computation.
STLstandard litreA unit of volume defining the number of litres of a product at a temperature of 15 degrees Celsius, especially in relation to hydrocarbon oils.
STNton (US) or short ton (UK/US)Synonym: net ton (2000 lb)
STWstrawA unit of count defining the number of straws (straw: a slender tube used for sucking up liquids).
SWskeinA unit of count defining the number of skeins (skein: a loosely-coiled bundle of yarn or thread).
SXshipmentA unit of count defining the number of shipments (shipment: an amount of goods shipped or transported).
SYRsyringeA unit of count defining the number of syringes (syringe: a small device for pumping, spraying and/or injecting liquids through a small aperture).
T0telecommunication line in serviceA unit of count defining the number of lines in service.
T3thousand pieceA unit of count defining the number of pieces in multiples of 1000 (piece: a single item, article or exemplar).
TAHkiloampere hour (thousand ampere hour)
TANtotal acid numberA unit of chemistry defining the amount of potassium hydroxide (KOH) in milligrams that is needed to neutralize the acids in one gram of oil. It is an important quality measurement of crude oil.
TIthousand square inch
TICmetric ton, including containerA unit of mass defining the number of metric tons of a product, including its container.
TIPmetric ton, including inner packagingA unit of mass defining the number of metric tons of a product, including its inner packaging materials.
TKMtonne kilometreA unit of information typically used for billing purposes, expressed as the number of tonnes (metric tons) moved over a distance of one kilometre.
TMSkilogram of imported meat, less offalA unit of mass equal to one thousand grams of imported meat, disregarding less valuable by-products such as the entrails.
TNEtonne (metric ton)Synonym: metric ton
TPten packA unit of count defining the number of items in multiples of 10.
TPIteeth per inchThe number of teeth per inch.
TPRten pairA unit of count defining the number of pairs in multiples of 10 (pair: item described by two's).
TQDthousand cubic metre per dayA unit of volume equal to one thousand cubic metres per day.
TRLtrillion (EUR)
TSTten setA unit of count defining the number of sets in multiples of 10 (set: a number of objects grouped together).
TTSten thousand sticksA unit of count defining the number of sticks in multiples of 10000 (stick: slender and often cylindrical piece of a substance).
U1treatmentA unit of count defining the number of treatments (treatment: subjection to the action of a chemical, physical or biological agent).
U2tabletA unit of count defining the number of tablets (tablet: a small flat or compressed solid object).
UBtelecommunication line in service averageA unit of count defining the average number of lines in service.
UCtelecommunication portA unit of count defining the number of network access ports.
VAvolt - ampere per kilogram
VPpercent volumeA measure of concentration, typically expressed as the percentage volume of a solute in a solution.
W2wet kiloA unit of mass defining the number of kilograms of a product, including the water content of the product.
WAwatt per kilogram
WBwet poundA unit of mass defining the number of pounds of a material, including the water content of the material.
WCDcordA unit of volume used for measuring lumber. One board foot equals 1/12 of a cubic foot.
WEwet tonA unit of mass defining the number of tons of a material, including the water content of the material.
WGwine gallonA unit of volume equal to 231 cubic inches.
WHRwatt hour
WMworking monthA unit of time defining the number of working months.
WSDstandardA unit of volume of finished lumber equal to 165 cubic feet. Synonym: standard cubic foot
X1Gunter's chainA unit of distance used or formerly used by British surveyors.
YDKsquare yard
YDQcubic yard
Z11hanging containerA unit of count defining the number of hanging containers.
ZPpageA unit of count defining the number of pages.
ZZmutually definedA unit of measure as agreed in common between two or more parties.
X1ADrum, steel
X1BDrum, aluminium
X1DDrum, plywood
X1FContainer, flexibleA packaging container of flexible construction.
X1GDrum, fibre
X1WDrum, wooden
X2CBarrel, wooden
X3AJerrican, steel
X3HJerrican, plastic
X43Bag, super bulkA cloth plastic or paper based bag having the dimensions of the pallet on which it is constructed.
X44Bag, polybagA type of plastic bag, typically used to wrap promotional pieces, publications, product samples, and/or catalogues.
X4ABox, steel
X4BBox, aluminium
X4CBox, natural wood
X4DBox, plywood
X4FBox, reconstituted wood
X4GBox, fibreboard
X4HBox, plastic
X5HBag, woven plastic
X5LBag, textile
X5MBag, paper
X6HComposite packaging, plastic receptacle
X6PComposite packaging, glass receptacle
X7ACase, carA type of portable container designed to store equipment for carriage in an automobile.
X7BCase, woodenA case made of wood for retaining substances or articles.
X8APallet, woodenA platform or open-ended box, made of wood, on which goods are retained for ease of mechanical handling during transport and storage.
X8BCrate, woodenA receptacle, made of wood, on which goods are retained for ease of mechanical handling during transport and storage.
X8CBundle, woodenLoose or unpacked pieces of wood tied or wrapped together.
XAAIntermediate bulk container, rigid plastic
XABReceptacle, fibreContainment vessel made of fibre used for retaining substances or articles.
XACReceptacle, paperContainment vessel made of paper for retaining substances or articles.
XADReceptacle, woodenContainment vessel made of wood for retaining substances or articles.
XAFPallet, modular, collars 80cms * 60cmsStandard sized pallet of dimensions 80 centimeters by 60 centimeters (cms).
XAGPallet, shrinkwrappedPallet load secured with transparent plastic film that has been wrapped around and then shrunk tightly.
XAHPallet, 100cms * 110cmsStandard sized pallet of dimensions 100centimeters by 110 centimeters (cms).
XAJConeContainer used in the transport of linear material such as yarn.
XALBallA spherical containment vessel for retaining substances or articles.
XAMAmpoule, non-protected
XAPAmpoule, protected
XB4BeltA band use to retain multiple articles together.
XBCBottlecrate / bottlerack
XBFBalloon, non-protected
XBGBagA receptacle made of flexible material with an open or closed top.
XBLBale, compressed
XBNBale, non-compressed
XBOBottle, non-protected, cylindricalA narrow-necked cylindrical shaped vessel without external protective packing material.
XBPBalloon, protected
XBQBottle, protected cylindricalA narrow-necked cylindrical shaped vessel with external protective packing material.
XBSBottle, non-protected, bulbousA narrow-necked bulb shaped vessel without external protective packing material.
XBVBottle, protected bulbousA narrow-necked bulb shaped vessel with external protective packing material.
XBWBox, for liquids
XBYBoard, in bundle/bunch/truss
XBZBars, in bundle/bunch/truss
XCACan, rectangular
XCBCrate, beer
XCDCan, with handle and spout
XCMCardA flat package usually made of fibreboard from/to which product is often hung or attached.
XCNContainer, not otherwise specified as transport equipment
XCOCarboy, non-protected
XCPCarboy, protected
XCQCartridgePackage containing a charge such as propelling explosive for firearms or ink toner for a printer.
XCWCage, roll
XCXCan, cylindrical
XDACrate, multiple layer, plastic
XDBCrate, multiple layer, wooden
XDCCrate, multiple layer, cardboard
XDGCage, Commonwealth Handling Equipment Pool (CHEP)
XDHBox, Commonwealth Handling Equipment Pool (CHEP), EuroboxA box mounted on a pallet base under the control of CHEP.
XDIDrum, iron
XDJDemijohn, non-protected
XDKCrate, bulk, cardboard
XDLCrate, bulk, plastic
XDMCrate, bulk, wooden
XDPDemijohn, protected
XDSTray, one layer no cover, plastic
XDTTray, one layer no cover, wooden
XDUTray, one layer no cover, polystyrene
XDVTray, one layer no cover, cardboard
XDWTray, two layers no cover, plastic tray
XDXTray, two layers no cover, wooden
XDYTray, two layers no cover, cardboard
XECBag, plastic
XEDCase, with pallet base
XEECase, with pallet base, wooden
XEFCase, with pallet base, cardboard
XEGCase, with pallet base, plastic
XEHCase, with pallet base, metal
XEICase, isothermic
XFBFlexibagA flexible containment bag made of plastic, typically for the transportation bulk non-hazardous cargoes using standard size shipping containers.
XFCCrate, fruit
XFDCrate, framed
XFEFlexitankA flexible containment tank made of plastic, typically for the transportation bulk non-hazardous cargoes using standard size shipping containers.
XFWCart, flatbedWheeled flat bedded device on which trays or other regular shaped items are packed for transportation purposes.
XFXBag, flexible container
XGBBottle, gasA narrow-necked metal cylinder for retention of liquefied or compressed gas.
XGLContainer, gallonA container with a capacity of one gallon.
XGRReceptacle, glassContainment vessel made of glass for retaining substances or articles.
XGUTray, containing horizontally stacked flat itemsTray containing flat items stacked on top of one another.
XGYBag, gunnyA sack made of gunny or burlap, used for transporting coarse commodities, such as grains, potatoes, and other agricultural products.
XGZGirders, in bundle/bunch/truss
XHABasket, with handle, plastic
XHBBasket, with handle, wooden
XHCBasket, with handle, cardboard
XHNHangerA purpose shaped device with a hook at the top for hanging items from a rail.
XIAPackage, display, wooden
XIBPackage, display, cardboard
XICPackage, display, plastic
XIDPackage, display, metal
XIEPackage, show
XIFPackage, flowA flexible tubular package or skin, possibly transparent, often used for containment of foodstuffs (e.g. salami sausage).
XIGPackage, paper wrapped
XIHDrum, plastic
XIKPackage, cardboard, with bottle grip-holesPackaging material made out of cardboard that facilitates the separation of
XILTray, rigid, lidded stackable (CEN TS 14482:2002)Lidded stackable rigid tray compliant with CEN TS 14482:2002.
XIZIngots, in bundle/bunch/truss
XJBBag, jumboA flexible containment bag, widely used for storage, transportation and handling of powder, flake or granular materials. Typically constructed from woven polypropylene (PP) fabric in the form of cubic bags.
XJCJerrican, rectangular
XJYJerrican, cylindrical
XKIKitA set of articles or implements used for a specific purpose.
XLELuggageA collection of bags, cases and/or containers which hold personal belongings for a journey.
XLULugA wooden box for the transportation and storage of fruit or vegetables.
XLVLiftvanA wooden or metal container used for packing household goods and personal effects.
XLZLogs, in bundle/bunch/truss
XMACrate, metalContainment box made of metal for retaining substances or articles.
XMBBag, multiply
XMCCrate, milk
XMEContainer, metalA type of containment box made of metal for retaining substances or articles, not otherwise specified as transport equipment.
XMRReceptacle, metalContainment vessel made of metal for retaining substances or articles.
XMSSack, multi-wall
XMWReceptacle, plastic wrappedContainment vessel wrapped with plastic for retaining substances or articles.
XNANot available
XNEUnpacked or unpackaged
XNFUnpacked or unpackaged, single unit
XNGUnpacked or unpackaged, multiple units
XNUNet, tube, plastic
XNVNet, tube, textile
XO1Two sided cage on wheels with fixing strap
XO3Oneway pallet ISO 0 - 1/2 EURO Pallet
XO4Oneway pallet ISO 1 - 1/1 EURO Pallet
XO5Oneway pallet ISO 2 - 2/1 EURO Pallet
XO6Pallet with exceptional dimensions
XO7Wooden pallet 40 cm x 80 cm
XO8Plastic pallet SRS 60 cm x 80 cm
XO9Plastic pallet SRS 80 cm x 120 cm
XOAPallet, CHEP 40 cm x 60 cmCommonwealth Handling Equipment Pool (CHEP) standard pallet of dimensions 40 centimeters x 60 centimeters.
XOBPallet, CHEP 80 cm x 120 cmCommonwealth Handling Equipment Pool (CHEP) standard pallet of dimensions 80 centimeters x 120 centimeters.
XOCPallet, CHEP 100 cm x 120 cmCommonwealth Handling Equipment Pool (CHEP) standard pallet of dimensions 100 centimeters x 120 centimeters.
XODPallet, AS 4068-1993Australian standard pallet of dimensions 115.5 centimeters x 116.5 centimeters.
XOEPallet, ISO T11ISO standard pallet of dimensions 110 centimeters x 110 centimeters, prevalent in Asia - Pacific region.
XOFPlatform, unspecified weight or dimensionA pallet equivalent shipping platform of unknown dimensions or unknown weight.
XOGPallet ISO 0 - 1/2 EURO Pallet
XOHPallet ISO 1 - 1/1 EURO Pallet
XOIPallet ISO 2 – 2/1 EURO Pallet
XOKBlockA solid piece of a hard substance, such as granite, having one or more flat sides.
XOJ1/4 EURO Pallet
XOL1/8 EURO Pallet
XOMSynthetic pallet ISO 1
XONSynthetic pallet ISO 2
XOPWholesaler pallet
XOQPallet 80 X 100 cm
XORPallet 60 X 100 cm
XOSOneway pallet
XOVReturnable pallet
XOWLarge bag, pallet sized
XOTOctabinA standard cardboard container of large dimensions for storing for example vegetables, granules of plastics or other dry products.
XOUContainer, outerA type of containment box that serves as the outer shipping container, not otherwise specified as transport equipment.
XOXA wheeled pallet with raised rim (81 x 67 x 135)
XOYA Wheeled pallet with raised rim (81 x 72 x 135)
XOZWheeled pallet with raised rim ( 81 x 60 x 16)
XP1CHEP pallet 60 cm x 80 cm
XP2PanA shallow, wide, open container, usually of metal.
XP3LPR pallet 60 cm x 80 cm
XP4LPR pallet 80 cm x 120 cm
XPAPacketSmall package.
XPBPallet, box Combined open-ended box and pallet
XPDPallet, modular, collars 80cms * 100cmsStandard sized pallet of dimensions 80 centimeters by 100 centimeters (cms).
XPEPallet, modular, collars 80cms * 120cmsStandard sized pallet of dimensions 80 centimeters by 120 centimeters (cms).
XPFPenA small open top enclosure for retaining animals.
XPKPackageStandard packaging unit.
XPPPieceA loose or unpacked article.
XPRReceptacle, plasticContainment vessel made of plastic for retaining substances or articles.
XPVPipes, in bundle/bunch/truss
XPXPalletPlatform or open-ended box, usually made of wood, on which goods are retained for ease of mechanical handling during transport and storage.
XPYPlates, in bundle/bunch/truss
XPZPlanks, in bundle/bunch/truss
XQADrum, steel, non-removable head
XQBDrum, steel, removable head
XQCDrum, aluminium, non-removable head
XQDDrum, aluminium, removable head
XQFDrum, plastic, non-removable head
XQGDrum, plastic, removable head
XQHBarrel, wooden, bung type
XQJBarrel, wooden, removable head
XQKJerrican, steel, non-removable head
XQLJerrican, steel, removable head
XQMJerrican, plastic, non-removable head
XQNJerrican, plastic, removable head
XQPBox, wooden, natural wood, ordinary
XQQBox, wooden, natural wood, with sift proof walls
XQRBox, plastic, expanded
XQSBox, plastic, solid
XRJRack, clothing hanger
XRLReelCylindrical rotatory device with a rim at each end on which materials are wound.
XRTRednetContainment material made of red mesh netting for retaining articles (e.g. trees).
XRZRods, in bundle/bunch/truss
XSCCrate, shallow
XSISkidA low movable platform or pallet to facilitate the handling and transport of goods.
XSKCase, skeleton
XSLSlipsheetHard plastic sheeting primarily used as the base on which to stack goods to optimise the space within a container. May be used as an alternative to a palletized packaging.
XSOSpoolA packaging container used in the transport of such items as wire, cable, tape and yarn.
XSPSheet, plastic wrapping
XSSCase, steel
XSVEnvelope, steel
XSWShrinkwrappedGoods retained in a transparent plastic film that has been wrapped around and then shrunk tightly on to the goods.
XSZSheets, in bundle/bunch/truss
XT1TabletA loose or unpacked article in the form of a bar, block or piece.
XTDTube, collapsible
XTETyreA ring made of rubber and/or metal surrounding a wheel.
XTGTank container, genericA specially constructed container for transporting liquids and gases in bulk.
XTKTank, rectangular
XTLTub, with lid
XTTBag, toteA capacious bag or basket.
XTVTube, with nozzleA tube made of plastic, metal or cardboard fitted with a nozzle, containing a liquid or semi-liquid product, e.g. silicon.
XTWPallet, triwallA lightweight pallet made from heavy duty corrugated board.
XTYTank, cylindrical
XTZTubes, in bundle/bunch/truss
XUNUnitA type of package composed of a single item or object, not otherwise specified as a unit of transport equipment.
XVGBulk, gas (at 1031 mbar and 15°C)
XVKVanpackA type of wooden crate.
XVLBulk, liquid
XVOBulk, solid, large particles (“nodules”)
XVQBulk, liquefied gas (at abnormal temperature/pressure)
XVNVehicleA self-propelled means of conveyance.
XVRBulk, solid, granular particles (“grains”)
XVSBulk, scrap metalLoose or unpacked scrap metal transported in bulk form.
XVYBulk, solid, fine particles (“powders”)
XWAIntermediate bulk containerA reusable container made of metal, plastic, textile, wood or composite materials used to facilitate transportation of bulk solids and liquids in manageable volumes.
XWCIntermediate bulk container, steel
XWDIntermediate bulk container, aluminium
XWFIntermediate bulk container, metal
XWGIntermediate bulk container, steel, pressurised > 10 kpa
XWHIntermediate bulk container, aluminium, pressurised > 10 kpa
XWJIntermediate bulk container, metal, pressure 10 kpa
XWKIntermediate bulk container, steel, liquid
XWLIntermediate bulk container, aluminium, liquid
XWMIntermediate bulk container, metal, liquid
XWNIntermediate bulk container, woven plastic, without coat/liner
XWPIntermediate bulk container, woven plastic, coated
XWQIntermediate bulk container, woven plastic, with liner
XWRIntermediate bulk container, woven plastic, coated and liner
XWSIntermediate bulk container, plastic film
XWTIntermediate bulk container, textile with out coat/liner
XWUIntermediate bulk container, natural wood, with inner liner
XWVIntermediate bulk container, textile, coated
XWWIntermediate bulk container, textile, with liner
XWXIntermediate bulk container, textile, coated and liner
XWYIntermediate bulk container, plywood, with inner liner
XWZIntermediate bulk container, reconstituted wood, with inner liner
XXABag, woven plastic, without inner coat/liner
XXBBag, woven plastic, sift proof
XXCBag, woven plastic, water resistant
XXDBag, plastics film
XXFBag, textile, without inner coat/liner
XXGBag, textile, sift proof
XXHBag, textile, water resistant
XXJBag, paper, multi-wall
XXKBag, paper, multi-wall, water resistant
XYAComposite packaging, plastic receptacle in steel drum
XYBComposite packaging, plastic receptacle in steel crate box
XYCComposite packaging, plastic receptacle in aluminium drum
XYDComposite packaging, plastic receptacle in aluminium crate
XYFComposite packaging, plastic receptacle in wooden box
XYGComposite packaging, plastic receptacle in plywood drum
XYHComposite packaging, plastic receptacle in plywood box
XYJComposite packaging, plastic receptacle in fibre drum
XYKComposite packaging, plastic receptacle in fibreboard box
XYLComposite packaging, plastic receptacle in plastic drum
XYMComposite packaging, plastic receptacle in solid plastic box
XYNComposite packaging, glass receptacle in steel drum
XYPComposite packaging, glass receptacle in steel crate box
XYQComposite packaging, glass receptacle in aluminium drum
XYRComposite packaging, glass receptacle in aluminium crate
XYSComposite packaging, glass receptacle in wooden box
XYTComposite packaging, glass receptacle in plywood drum
XYVComposite packaging, glass receptacle in wickerwork hamper
XYWComposite packaging, glass receptacle in fibre drum
XYXComposite packaging, glass receptacle in fibreboard box
XYYComposite packaging, glass receptacle in expandable plastic pack
XYZComposite packaging, glass receptacle in solid plastic pack
XZAIntermediate bulk container, paper, multi-wall
XZBBag, large
XZCIntermediate bulk container, paper, multi-wall, water resistant
XZDIntermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, with structural equipment, solids
XZFIntermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, freestanding, solids
XZGIntermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, with structural equipment, pressurised
XZHIntermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, freestanding, pressurised
XZJIntermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, with structural equipment, liquids
XZKIntermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, freestanding, liquids
XZLIntermediate bulk container, composite, rigid plastic, solids
XZMIntermediate bulk container, composite, flexible plastic, solids
XZNIntermediate bulk container, composite, rigid plastic, pressurised
XZPIntermediate bulk container, composite, flexible plastic, pressurised
XZQIntermediate bulk container, composite, rigid plastic, liquids
XZRIntermediate bulk container, composite, flexible plastic, liquids
XZSIntermediate bulk container, composite
XZTIntermediate bulk container, fibreboard
XZUIntermediate bulk container, flexible
XZVIntermediate bulk container, metal, other than steel
XZWIntermediate bulk container, natural wood
XZXIntermediate bulk container, plywood
XZYIntermediate bulk container, reconstituted wood
XZZMutually defined