Romania Invoice

Changes to generic fields

  • lines[].unit is required
  • recipient.taxScheme is required.
  • recipient.address.line1 is required.
  • is required.
  • recipient.address.state is required.
  • is required.
  • recipient.address.postalCode is required.
  • lines[].description is limited to 100 characters.
  • For B2C transactions, use a 13-digit all zero placeholder value (0000000000000) in the recipient.taxId field.

Romania-specific fields

type Invoice {
  // ...everything from invoice
  lines: [
      // ..other line item fields
      unit: UnitsOfMeasure;
      vat: {
          code: TaxCode;
      		exemptReason?: string;
      		exemptReasonCode?: RomaniaExemptionReasonCodes;
  recipient: {
    // ...everything from invoice.recipient,
    companyId?: string;
  customInfo?: {
    rou?: {
      dueDate?: string;

customInfo.rou.dueDatestring (ISO 8601 date)YesDue date of invoice
lines[].unitstringYesA value from an enumerated list as outlined on Units of Measure
lines[].vat.codestringYesA value from an enumerated list outlined in the Romanian VAT code classification (UNTDID 5305)
lines[].vat.exemptReasonstringConditionalIf the line VAT amount is 0, an exemption reason is required.
lines[].vat.exemptReasonCodestringConditionalIf the line VAT amount is 0, a value from an enumerated list outlined in the Romanian exempt reason codes is required.
recipient.taxSchemestringYesA value from an enumerated list as outlined on Romanian Tax Scheme
recipient.companyIdstringNoRegistered company ID
recipient.address.line1stringYesAddress line 1 (Street address/PO Box/Company name).
recipient.address.citystringYesCity name. If the city is Bucharest, then the city Sector Code needs to be provided, e.g. Sector 5
recipient.address.statestringYesCounty code as per ISO3166-2:RO, e.g. RO-AB. This also includes the city of Bucharest (RO-B)
recipient.address.countrystringYesThree-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 ).
recipient.address.postalCodestringYesZIP or postal code

Example CSV file

Invoice - Romania.csv