Romanian VAT code classification (UNTDID 5305)

The UNTDID 5305 code list is part of the UN/EDIFACT standard, which provides standardized tax type codes under data element 5305. These codes specify the nature of taxes, duties, or fees. Below is a list of commonly used tax types from the 5305 code list:

UNTDID CodeDescription
ZZero rated
AEReverse charge
GFree export
OOutside of scope
KIntra-community supply
LCanary Islands (IGIC)
MCeuta and Melilla (IPSI)
BTransferred (VAT)
ABExempt for resale
ACVAT not due for payment
ADVAT due from a previous invoice
CDuty paid
DMargin Scheme - travel agents
FMargin Scheme - second-hand goods
IMargin Scheme - works of art
JMargin Scheme - collector's items and antiques