India Invoice

India Invoice

Changes to standard fields

  • recipient.address.addressLine1 is required.
  • recipient.address.addressLine2 is required.
  • is required.
  • recipient.address.state is required.
  • recipient.address.postalCode is required.

India-specific fields

type Invoice {
  // ...everything from invoice
  recipient: RecipientIND;
  lines: InvoiceLineIND[];
  discount?: {
    type: DiscountTypeIND;
    value: string;

  restrictions?: InvoiceRestrictionsIND;
  purchaseOrder?: {
    number: string;
    issued: string;
    linesIncluded?: number;
    identityCode?: string;

  customInfo: {
    ind: {
      supplyType: SupplyType;
      recipientRepresentativeGSTIN: string;
      recipientRepresentativeName: string;
      recipientStateCode: string;
      docNumber?: string;

type RecipientIND {
  // ...everything from Recipient
  code?: string;
  identityNumber?: string;
  email?: string;
  mobile?: string;
  address: AddressIND;
  representative?: TaxRepresentativeIND;
type AddressIND {
	// ...everything from Address
  postalCode: string;

type TaxRepresentativeIND {
  taxId?: string;
  phone?: string;
  email?: string;

type InvoiceLineIND {
  // ...everting from InvoiceLine
  serialNumber?: string;
  service: string;
  hsnCode: string;
  unit: string;

type DiscountTypeIND = 
  // Standard Manufacturer
  'SM' | 
  // Manufacturer's Goods

type InvoiceRestrictionsIND {
  article73: boolean;

type SupplyType = 
  // Business to Business
  'B2B' | 
  // Business to Consumer
  'B2C' | 
  // Export with Payment of Tax
  'EXPWP' | 
  // Export without Payment of Tax
  'EXPWOP' | 
  // Supply to SEZ with Payment of Tax
  'SEZWP' | 
  // Supply to SEZ without Payment of Tax
  'SEZWOP' | 
  // Deemed Export
refstringYesSequential number of document, max 20characters
recipient.codestringNoDestination code for delivering - 7 characters (not necessary when ID number of recipient is included)
recipient.identityNumberstringNoID number for delivering
recipient.emailstringNoThe customer's email address
recipient.mobilestringNoThe customer's mobile number
stringYesAddress line 1 (Street address/PO Box/Company name).
recipient.address.line2stringYesAddress line 2 (Apartment/Suite/Unit/Building).
recipient.address.postalCodestringYesZIP or postal code
recipient.representative.taxIdstringNoTaxpayer ID of tax representative
recipient.representative.phonestringNoCompany phone of tax representative
recipient.representative.emailstringNoCompany email of tax representative
lines[].serialNumberstringNoSerial number of the item
lines[].servicestringYesSpecify whether the line item is a service or not.
To indicate that the line item is a service, use
"Yes", "Y", "True" or "1".
This field is not case-sensitive.
lines[].hsnCodestringYesTo enter applicable HSN / SAC Code of Goods / Service
lines[].unitstringYesTo enter applicable HSN / SAC Code of Goods / Service
discount.typestringNoOne of 'SM' | 'MG'
discount.valuestringNoDiscount amount
restrictions.article73booleanNoRestrictions that apply to MCK invoices
purchaseOrder.numberstringNoNumber of the purchase order associated with the invoice
purchaseOrder.issuedstringNoDate of purchase order that led to invoice
purchaseOrder.linesIncludednumberNoNumber of lines from purchase order which are included in invoice (unless all are included)
purchaseOrder.identityCodestringNoIdentity code of the item from the purchase order contained in the invoice
customInfo.ind.supplyTypestringYesThis will be the code to identify type of supply. B2B: Business to Business, B2C: Business to Consumer, SEZWP: To SEZ with Payment, SEZWOP: To SEZ without Payment, EXPWP: Export with Payment, EXPWOP: Export without Payment, DEXP: Deemed Export
One of 'B2B', 'B2C', 'EXPWP', 'EXPWOP', 'SEZWP', 'SEZWOP', 'DEXP'
customInfo.ind.recipientRepresentativeGSTINstringYesGSTIN of the Recipient, if available. URP: In case of exports or if supplies are made to unregistered persons
customInfo.ind.recipientRepresentativeNamestringYesCompany name of tax representative
customInfo.ind.recipientStateCodestringYesRecipient State Code.
customInfo.ind.docNumberstringNoSequential number of document

Example CSV file

Invoice - India.csv