Romania Credit Notes

Additional considerations for Romania

type CreditNote {
  // ... all generic credit note fields
  lines: InvoiceLine[];
  invoiceRefs: string[],
  customInfo: {
    rou: {
      note: string;

type InvoiceLine {
  description: string;
  unit: Unit;
	quantity?: number;
	vat: {
    type: 'fixed' | 'percent';
    code: TaxCode;
    amount: number;
  price: {
    amount: number;
lines[].descriptionstringYesDescription of the goods or service
lines[].unitstringYesA value from an enumerated list as outlined on Units of Measure
lines[].quantitynumberNoQuantity of the good or service
lines[].vat.typestringYesA value from an enumerated list of types:
lines[].vat.codestringYesA value from an enumerated list of types:
"Reverse charge": Vat Reverse Charge
"Exempt": Exempt from Tax
"Standard": Standard rate
"Zero rated": Zero-rated goods
"Free export": Free export item, VAT not charged
"Outside of scope": Services outside scope of tax
lines[].vat.amountnumberYesVAT percent or value per item
lines[].price.amountnumberYesUnit price of the good or service
invoiceRefsstringYesAn array of existing invoices
notestringYesThe note field is often included to provide additional context or information about the credit note.

Example CSV file

Credit note - Romania.csv